Hot springs.....(M)

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1771 words

Not long but I hope it was worth it!!!


Tae was now 3 months pregnant 🤰

Tae was in the bathroom puking everything again well pregnancy what'd you expect 😑

Jungkook was there with Jin helping him. After puking he took deep breaths.

Jungkook helps him up and sits him on the bathroom counter ( I don't remember how its called so ).

" Thank you " Tae said.

" No problem Tae I'll be going now get better" Jin said Smiling at them.

" Brush " Tae said.

Jungkook takes the toothbrush and put some paste on it and helped Tae clean his teeth.

After cleaning his teeth he looks at Jungkook.

Jungkook also looking at him deeply.

And kisses him while sucking his lower lip.

"'Mmmmm kook I just puked" Tae said between the kiss.

" I don't care " Jungkook said pulling him closer.

Jungkook grabs Taehyung's legs squeezing them and putting them around his waist he went inside the room and put him in bed.

Jungkook was looking him in the eyes.

Taehyung couldn't hold it anymore so he pulled Jungkook by the nape and kissed him deep.

Both of them moaning in the kiss.

" Oh my geez why me .... why do I always have to run into these kind of things ....... would you two stop" Jimin said looking at them.

"Chim what are you doing here " Tae asked.

" well I was looking for my best friend but seems like he had other important business " Jimin smirked.

"Shut up shortie ........ you ruined our moment " Jungkook said falling on bed beside Tae and wrapped his arms around his waist caressing his tummy.

" How the hell am I supposed to know what are you doing ...unless I tell Hobi hyung to install cameras in your room " Jimin said smirking.

" Don't you dare " Jungkook said glaring at him.

Jimin gulped.

" oh look at the time my Suga daddy must be worried about me gotta go " Jimin said looking at his non-existing watch 😅. And walked away.

Then Sonya came running into their room.

"Hi unwcels " she said jumping on their bed on Taehyung's lap.

" Aww how's my cutie doing " Tae said kissing her cheek.

Jungkook pouted " I want some too "

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