I'm What!?......Kidnapped

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"Tae you okay?" Jin asked worried.

Taehyung was breathing fast just after puking everything he ate this morning.

" I think I'm fine now " tae says still feeling sick.

He brushes his teeth.

" Tae baby you're not fine " armee said.

" Yeah tae I think we should see a doctor " Jimin said.

" No hyung I'm going to be fine I just need some rest" Tae said.

" No we're going to see a doctor and that's final " Jin says.

"But---But hyung " tae started....

" No but's tae Jin hyung is right we should see a doctor okay " Jimin said.

Tae nodded....


"What's wrong with him doctor " Jin asked.

" Well .......... hehehe I don't know how to say ahhh 😅 " Doctor says.

" What!? What doctor...what is it ? Is it bad....Is he safe....no...don't tell me he has to be operated oh no my baby nonono " Jin says worried biting his nails while jimin and armee were giving him looks like 'what the fuck are you saying'

" Not really...Well you see .............. pregnancy is something that happens to women and they give birth to their child and .........." Doctor was talking when jin cut him off.

" Okay ........ what the actual fuck are talking about...why are you telling us this it's not like we don't know that women get pregnant like geez they gave birth to us right " Jin says.

" Well that's the point the reason why I'm telling you this is that well Taehyung here is special " Doctor says.

" Well tell us something we don't know " jimin says "we already know that he's the most cute innocent human being " he continues...

"Okay can you people stop cutting me off " Doctor says with an annoyed face.

They all nodded.

"Okay so technically what I'm trying to say is that Taehyung here is special because he's a Mpreg " Doctor finishes.

They were all shocked.

" OKAY GIVE ME A FUCKING REASON WHY I SHOULDN'T KICK YOU ON THE BALLS " Jin says while armee and Jimin holding him down as he was trying to throw his hands on the Doctor ready to kick his butt.

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