Kinky fuck (M)

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1170 words

I'm so thankful for my readers they made me feel special thank you


Here goes the smut (M)



'Where the fuck is that fucker' Tae thought looking around the house for Jungkook.

He checked in every room and was confused cuz he didn't find him.

Wait the basement.....

He goes to the basement and slightly opens the door and peeked his head in and oh man he saw a sweaty Jungkook training while lifting weights.

'Why the fuck does he have to always look so hot ' Tae thought frowning.

Jungkook still haven't noticed him and now he was doing push-ups.

Tae licked his lips and slowly laid himself on his back.

"Tae? " Jungkook said.

"Yeah " Tae answered.

"What are you doing " Jungkook said not stopping and still doing push ups.

" Sorry it looked so good and I laid on your back " Tae said.

"Come on kookie one more you're doing great " Tae cheered.

" If you wanna motivate me, shouldn't you get under me " Jungkook said smirking.

" Pervert " Tae said.

" But you love this pervert tho " Jungkook said getting up.

"I do " Tae said.

" Wanna train with me baby " Jungkook asked.

"Why do I look fat to you " Tae said looking at himself and glares at Jungkook.

" No baby..... well you are kinda getting fat " Jungkook said smirking.

"Okay don't you challenge me Jeon " Tae said. 

"Let's see who wins" Jungkook said.

Both of them get into position to do push-ups.

Jungkook started doing them without a problem.

Tae starts doing them too.

"Oneee .... pfff" Tae said laying down on the ground.

Jungkook laughs at him and stops.

" Seems like I win " Jungkook said leaning in.

"Well what do you expect from a pregnant person " Tae said pouting.

" You're so cute " Jungkook said pinching his nose.

" Yahhh " Tae said and Jungkook pecked his lips.

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