I love you to the moon and more

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So in this chapter I did some big drama

(Drama bitch ) 😝

💜Luva 💜



"D-dad "

Taehyung was shocked cause there stood his father right in front of him while looking down at him.

"D-dad help u-us " Tae says while crying.

" Shut the fuck up you little wench " he says.

Tae looks at him eyes wide.

" W-what ... dad I don't understand " Tae says while tears keep streaming from his eyes.

Kim Sung-soo smirks and grabs Taehyung's face " you are not my son you little piece of shit "

" Let me tell you a little story " Kim Sung-soo says.

" No Taehyung don't listen to him" Jimin was cut off when wunho punched him in the stomach he lays down coughing blood.

Kim Sung-soo smirked and sits on a chair in front of Taehyung.

" I had a best friend when I was little we used to play with each other all the time. We even went to the same school then we both met a girl and we three played together. But the worst part is that we both fell in love with her . But your father confessed to her and she chose him over me then after graduation they got married and I was invited too ." He says clenching his teeth.

Taehyung was shocked hearing this story from this man was never his father.

" After some years I heard that they had a child and I was so angry that I went to your father and killed him " he said smirking and stared laughing like a mad man.

" I convinced your mother to trust me and oh boy she really did and she made you believe that you were my son. But you're not and I killed your father " he said still laughing.

" W-w-what d-d-did .." Taehyung breaks down crying.

Everyone there was shocked looking at him as he stared Laughing like a maniac.

Even the members ( Monsta x ) were shocked hearing this cause no one knew about this.

"You mother fucker you deserve to die " Jimin said.

" Maybe but I will never regret what I did " kim sung-soo said.

" And now I will kill the last part of him " he said.

" Where is my mom " tae said with his red swollen eyes.

" Your mom is where she's supposed to be crying like the bitch she is " kim sung-soo said and punched Taehyung on the face.

Taehyung fell down and covered his tummy protecting his baby while bearing the pain and crying.

" Ahhh you piece of shit take someone of your own size you dickhead" Jimin yelled.

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