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Hello lovelies

It's the end of this book

I hope you all enjoyed I tried my best to make it entertaining



1702 words


Everyone was getting ready it was a big day today for Taehyung and Jungkook.

Their marriage day.

"Jungkook you look good bro " Namjoon said looking at him.

"Thank you bro " Jungkook said.

"You two are annoying you know " Yoongi said laying on the couch.

"Whatever " Namjoon said smiling.


"Taehyung baby you look so handsome " Mom said looking at him while smiling.

"Thank you Mom " Taehyung said smiling while back hugging her.

"Omg Taehyung is that you , you look so beautiful " Jin said looking at him.

"Thank you hyung " Taehyung said smiling.

"Taetae you look so hot bitch " Jimin came inside holding Jeongguk in his arms.

"Thank you Chim " Taehyung said taking Jeongguk in his arms kissing his cheek and smiling.

"Appa and Eomma are getting married today baby" Taehyung said looking at Jeongguk.

"Shall we go " Arme said coming inside and all of them nodded.

They were at the altar and Taehyung was ready looking all beautiful and he was nervous.

"Tae honey it's gonna be okay " Mom said smiling at him and Taehyung nods smiling.

Both of them started walking and there were so many guests looking at him and Taehyung bit his lip.

He spotted Baekhyun and Chanyeol looking at him giving him thumbs up and Tae smiles at them.

He looks at the one and only person that made his heart explode.

Jungkook was smiling at him and he was so happy that this day finally came and Taehyung finally would be his forever lawfully.

Tae arrived infront of Jungkook and both of them were looking at each other.

Taehyung looks at his Mom and she smiled kissing his forehead going back to her seat.

Everyone was waiting for them his hyungs and Armee were sitting in the first row and Arme was holding Jeongguk in her arms.

Tae looks at Jungkook again.

"You look beautiful " Jungkook said softly Smiling.

Only mine Taekookwtf  ||18+||Where stories live. Discover now