Date..... feelings

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2100 words

Okay so this chapter includes only feelings and how they just enjoy the time with each other. So sorry no smut its not always about smut soooo enjoy 😉 Luva luva luva...
xoxo 💋


Next morning tae woke up with arms around his waist. He turned around and faced Jungkook. For the first time he could observe his face...he was so handsome,his beautiful bambi eyes, sharp jawline, the small mole under his lips, his cute bunny teeth...ohh and that body shit so hot and such a turn on. [I think tae found a new kink...;)]

( just imagine them Without clothes 😅😅)

"You can stare as long as you want " Jungkook said ,Taehyung blushed and Jungkook opened his eyes and smiled at him.

"good morning baby" tae lowered his head being shy

" g-good morning -g " he said

They stayed like that while Jungkook was looking at Taehyung being frustrated in front of him and blushing. And it was turning on Jungkook.

He kept admiring Taehyung. He was beautiful, cute ,kind -hearted ,that feminine body, small waist, those cute moles on his face....Everything about him was perfect

That's when Jungkook realised that he never wants to let go of his baby and he truly fell for Taehyung. He captured his heart and he never wants to let him go .

Tae gets up and wears Jungkook's shirt and goes to the window to look at the weather. Jungkook also got up and put his pants on .

Taehyung was looking out the window and he feels hands sneaking around his waist. He froze but immediately relaxes when he realises that it's Jungkook.

" you're so beautiful baby " Jungkook said...

Then Jungkook started planting kisses all over Taehyung's neck and some hickeys and admired the master piece he had done last night.

Taehyung for the first time felt truly happy. Maybe because he was getting caught up in Jungkook's love spell.

After enjoying each others presence and each others warmness Jungkook decides to break it.

" baby let's go take a shower " ,

" mmm o-okay" tae said .

They went to the showers and nobody was there. That was odd cause it's time that everyone goes to shower... why isn't everyone here!?

" come on taebaby " Jungkook said and tae just nodded.

Tae was feeling embarrassed seeing Jungkook's body cause he was hot as fuck and tattoo's all over his body and was such a turn on for him. Then tae got in the shower while covering his body embarrassed...

That's when Jungkook spoke...

" tae please stop covering your body. I have already seen every part of your body. And besides I don't like it when you cover my marks ".

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