"So its like zombie apocalyps?"

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Dedicated to my auntie Julie in real MJ. 😚😚

Jasmine's P. O. V.

"Hey you don't know what that is? What if it is not a human? We walk slowly," And we did. We slowly walked over to the man on the floor. His face was bloody. His one hand was in his mouth. I would have laughed if it wasn't a dead man or a zombie.

Jess poked him with the bat. He didn't move so she did it again and again nothing. "Do zombies die when they get hit by a car?"

"Yeah I gu--ahhh!!" The zombie reached out for my ankle. "Hit it! Hit it!" I screamed. Jess raised the bat and sent him down to the ground. We both ran screaming to the car which roared to life. I suppose Jenn was gonna drive. We jumped into the back seat and as soon as we were in she started driving. She is not a good driver but she is a quick thinker. She surprisingly drove well.

"WHAT WAS THAT!!" Emma yelled from beside me.

"Shush! The boys are sleeping," I scolded giving my self time on how to explain the situation to her.

"Holy cow! Was that a zombie?"

"It was a Zombie. We haven't told you this but last night..... "

By the time I finished the story we were already in the city. "Hey Jenn, where did you learn to drive like that?"

"Julie taught me,"

The city was a mess. Cars were flipped here and there some on fire. Some Houses were crashed and one by a school bus. Zombies were everywhere.
Jenn drove slowly observing everything.

"Hey did you call Crys?" Jess nudged me. I widened my eyes coz well, I didn't.

"Uhh... I forgot, sorry,"

Jess signed and took out her phone. "Hey Crys... How are you.... We're good... Yeah... We tried to call you back but you weren't answering.... Yeah?what happened... " I kicked her shin. "Yeah! Umm Jas was supposed to call you before but she forgot. We are coming... Yes... We're already in the city... Oh okay..bye,"

"We need to get in through the back door,"

"So like it's a zombie apocalypse?" Emma asked. She was still processing the news. She surprisingly took it well.

"Yes. How are we gonna get in?" They all looked at me since I am the oldest and ahem ahem smartest.

"I will carry Steve, Jess will carry Jake, Emma will walk, Jenn you are the guard," I held out the gun from the stranger.

"Hell no! I ain't gonna hold that!" She backed away. I rolled my eyes. Dad had a gun and he taught us how to aim and sometimes to shoot. Jenn never tried. She was too scared.

"Fine Jess you be the guard. Jenn will hold Jake. Okay?"


We got off, me leading the way, Jenn behind me followed by Em and at last Jess guarding our back. I walked to the side of the house.

"Psst Jess," I motioned for her to go first and she passed us.

"Clear," she whispered. We walked till something happened. Something that made all of freeze. Jessica's PHONE RANG!! LOUD!

I glared at her for not turning it off. She panicked and threw her phone. Please, let there not be a zombie around here. But no, luck was not with us. I heard the moanings.

Back to Jennifer's P. O. V.

We all panicked. Specially Em who was pulling the door instead of pushing.

"It won't open!" She said still trying. If I was not in this situation, I would have been laughing on the ground right now. Jess forcefully pushed it open and got in before anyone.

"You were supposed to be the guard!" I glared at her running in with Jake in my hands. Emma and Steve instantly followed.

"Where is she? Is she dead? Did they eat her? Oh my god they ate her! Our sister is dead. Jasmine is dead!" Jess started crying. I rolled my eyes at her behavior.

"Why is she yelling?" Jas came and stood beside me.

"Thank god you are alive!" She ran and hugged her.

"You came." Julie's voice startled us all. We all looked her way. She was standing there in her pijamas. *cough* Spongebob pijamas. She looked like she was about to cry. Jas first ran and hugged her comforting her.

"There are zombies out there." She sobbed.

"Shhh it's okay"

By the time she calmed down Ty, Dave and Crys were already there. We all hugged, asked the question 'are you okay?' more than 5 times each. Then we all settled in the living room sofa.

"Did you make it here safe?" Julie asked.

"No, I think they died a few times." Dave got a side punch for his words.

"Are you guys hungry? Wait I'll bring you something." Crys began to stand up.

"They didn't come from the other side of the world you know." And he got another punch.

"Actually I am starving for Crystal's pasta." Emma grinned. Crys smiled back.

"I'll go make some." We all followed her as she went to the kitchen.

"Why did Julie cry?" Steve asked which got us all quite.

"Because she -was sick
-was happy to see you
-fell from the stairs,"

Were the answers he got from Ty, Crys and Jas. They all talked at the same time causing the kid to sit there confused. "Dave said that I was ugly. So that's why I cried."

"I said that you look ridiculous with those Spongebob pijamas." Dave defended himself.

"But I like Spongebob." 8 year old stood infront of the 20 year old staring up at him. "Don't you?"

The 20 year old raised he's hands in surrender."Of course I do, he is my favorite."


"What the hell happned here?" Jas asked.

The four looked at each other then Ty signed and sat on the chair before started talking. "Well, Yesterday it was around 4 o'clock. We were watching TV when we heard a helicopter. It was soon followed by a high pitched loud scream from outside. We all ran to the door. A lady was being attacked by..... a zombie. We were shocked. At first none of us knew what it was until late we saw that it was trying to eat her. People were just standing there not knowing what to do. I mean what could you do when you don't know what it is. But not long after, some men ran to help her. Then there was the helicopter sound again then It started to rain zombies. They were falling down from the sky....at least I thought they were falling from the sky until I saw the helicopters were dropping them down. People were doing this. They were sending them down so it would kill us!" He took in a deep breath. "The men outside were attacked people were running back to their homes. We locked the door and we spent the night hearing screams and crashes. It was.....HORRIFIC!!" Tears were packed in his eyes while he was trying to hold them back. Dave was comforting him from the back. No one spoke for a while. Emma, Steve & Jake were upstairs. Crys told them to go up when he started talking.

"We saw a zombie too last night," Jess started "We were watching...."

"So the guy gave you an actual gun?" Dave asked and we nodded. "How can he trust kids with a gun?"

"We ain't kids!" Jas said "Not me,"

"I am not a kid either. But Jenny is she is 13,"

"Jess you are 13 too," Julie whispered to her.

"I am turning 14 next week. And Jessy I am older than you by two months,"

"KIDS COME DOWN PASTA IS READY!!" Crys yelled causing us all to cover our ears.


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