"The more the merrier,"

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"Okay so are we going to get her? We don't even know where she lives," She whispered to not wake them.

"Well I have a plan," I said going through my phone. "See, this is her," I pointed at the Red spot on the map. "And this is us,"

She stared up at me in disbleif. "How did you get her location?"

"I tracked her phone,"

"Whoa that's.. Really cool. How did you do it"

"I have my ways,"

"So how are we-"

"Shh!" I silenced her when I heard shuffling from outside the door.
"Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" And there was the sound again.

"Now I do," She whispered. "Is that a zomb-"

Whispers were heard proving that it wasn't it.
Well it can't possibly say

'They are in there shhh, don't let them hear us,'
that would be ridiculous.. Right?

We slowly and cautiously walked to the door. A voice was whispering, "Stop being a coward and come out,"

"Who are you calling coward?" Another whispered furious.

"You, who else? I mean come on you are scared of brainless creatures," The first voice said.

That is definitely not a zombie.

Curiosity getting the best of me I slowly opened the door making sure not to make any sound. Seems like Jenn was curious too she did not stop me. I peeked out and Jenn did the same below me.

"Sorry for being scared of getting my brain chewed," The other one said. One guy was standing out the room while the other was hesitating.

"Oh for God's sake Styles, stop chikening," The guy outside said clearly iritated. He had his head turned to the door so we can't see his face. Jenn slowly backed her way in and I kept staring the argument. I am actually enjoying it. I heard her tell Ty what's going on through the phone. The room across from us opened as quite as ours and two heads peeked out. Jenn also poked out her head to see. Dave motioned for us to go back inside but of course we didn't. He gave up.

The other two kept on arguing the other still in the room.

"Psst, hey psst," Ty repeated but they don't seem like they heard it.

"I think they're deaf," Dave whispered mad earned eye rolls from the 3 of us. "Yeah keep doing that. Maybe you'll see your brain back there," He actually rolled his eyes saying that. "If you have any,"

Me being smart, I took out the first thing I found in my pocket which happened to be a hair clipper. I aimed it properly and hit the guy outside on his head. His head snapped to us making a crack sound. He held his neck in pain but stared at us. Soon the other guy poked his head out. No one said or did nothing as they stared at us and we stared back. I looked over at Ty since he was the one who tried to get their attention. But he too was looking at them doing nothing. Dave finally motioned for them to come into the room. They just stop there doing nothing.

"I think they are blind," Then he whispered loud enough so they can hear. "Are you deaf or blind?"

"Uhh.. None," The guy in the room whispered back.

"Then why aren't you coming?"

"Why should we?" Asked the first.

"Coz we said so," Ty said.

"And why would we listen to you?"

"Shh! You are raising your voice," I said.

"We just want to talked. Ya know human to human," Jenn joined.

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