"This is a beauty, huh?"

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Tyler's P. O. V

"Hey wake-up. Guys wake up," I sat upright and picked the walkie talkie.

"Yeah what's up?" After a long drive the sky started to darken so we parked the car on one side, ate dinner and slept in our cars. It was about midnight by now.

"Quick come out. There is a car coming this way," Miles who was up awake and listening to Dave's words, started shaking Julie while I got out and started waking Jas in the back seat. We didn't have a hard time since they were sober with the first attempt.

We walked to the other car where Dave, Styles and Crystal were out standing by the door.

"Alice, Jenn and Jess are in the other side just in case. The kids are still sleeping," Dave explained.

Soon a van came close and stopped a bit behind from our car. A guy who looks like a gangster came out of the driver seat and another man from the passenger seat. I looked at the boys behind me to see them gulping. Rolling my eyes I walked up to the man that came out of the driver seat.

He had beard long enough to look intimidating, gaze hard enough to make your leg wobble, and a body built enough to make him look like Dwayne Johnson.

"Sup," I tried to act cool while I reality I was shitting my pants.

"Hey man," His breath stinky enough to make someone faint. It was obvious he is drunk.

Trying hard not to inhale and puke, I stared dead at his eyes. "I just wanted something from you," He glanced back at his friend. "And I am taking it," At his words the other guy pulled out a gun and held it down.

I gulped and unfortunately couldn't man up. The guy hit the van with the back of his gun and two other guys came out. At this I knew I was going to chicken. "Take anything you want I won't stop you but please don't hurt us. We have food, water-,"

"Do we need water boys?" He asked the boys who were behind him and they replied with a no. "I don't think that's what I want," I stared at him not knowing what to say. "Ask me,"

"Asked you what?" I asked confused. He groaned in irritation.

"Asked me what I want then,"

"What I want?"

"What? No, say 'what do you want then?"

Holding back the laugh that was threatening to come out I repeated what he said.

"I want.." He hugged me from the side. Needless to say I couldn't breath. "...that," I followed to where he was pointing. And my eyes landed on Julie. My heart stopped and my blood boiled.

"Excuse me?" I pushed his hand away. By this the other guys pointed the gun at me. Their leader I suppose let out an awful chuckle and walked to where we parked the car. Where they were standing. The other two minions followed him and pointed the gun at them before they can even flinch, while the other motioned for me to join them.

I walked backwards to the others with my hands raised. I noticed they were doing the same. With the guy still pointing the gun at me, I stood beside Crys.

The leader walked to Julie so close that she scrunched her nose disgusted by the smell.

"This is a beauty, huh?" He asked them and they replied with a yes.


"How about you came with me," He ran his fingers on her cheeks.

"Get your filthy hands off of her asshole," Dave spat ready to launch at him but stayed back when one of the Gunners pointed it right at him.

"Do you want to die pretty boy?" He asked and Dave stayed silent. His face was red with anger so was the others including mine. "Stay back. And you, come with me," He snuck his hand around her waist.

She acted quickly and swatted his hand away. But this got him more mad. By her hair, he dragged her as she struggled and cried out in pain.

It hurt not being able to do anything while watching her suffer. I was gonna step up but Crys held me back.

He held her hair and stood behind her. "Now what do we do with the others?" He inquired leaning close to her neck as she leaning away. His hand was wrapped around her waist holding her still. His lips were inches away from her neck when...the Tekwando she learnt all those years came in handy.

Like in the movies, her leg rose and collided sideways to his head. After that things were fast as the man walked backwards holding his nose, and the three minions were on the ground. Alice Jess and Jenn behind each one.

In front of Alice the guy was laying there a knife stuck on his neck.

In front of Jess the guy laid with bloody face.

In front of Jenn the guy had one arm his arm with the gun in front of him. Jenn's sword was on the floor while she held her hand whose knuckles were red.

Man! She punched him. The leader looked at them then back at us. Within seconds he pulled out his gun and two bullets were shot.

One the one the guy shot and the other Miles shot at the guy's hand. The first bullet didn't hit anyone but the car.

Styles acted up and did a Van Damme kick sending the old rotten piece of shit to the ground. We didn't have enough time to worship the kick when..

"What the fuck is going on out here?" Other two guys came out of the van. Julie, Miles Jess and Styles pointed guns at them. They held their hands high dropping the gun. Me and Jas walked to take their guns.

Seems like we are in control I thought right before..

"Ah!" Jas shouted falling to the ground. Knife stuck on her thigh.

"Motherfu-" Dave punched him down. Crys and the others ran to nurse her while I punched the other guy down. This guys are really weak. Even Jenn knocked him down.

I don't know why but I had this feeling that I had to look inside the van and so I did. But then I wished I didn't but I was glad I did. If I hadn't I wouldn't have save her.

There, was a girl with a guys forcing himself at her. She was crying shutting her eyes tightly.

"Who the fu-" I didn't let him finish as I threw my blade and stuck it right in between his eyes. Not knowing what to do I took off my jacket and threw it to her and called Julie to help the her.

How could someone be this heartless?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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