part 1

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A/N: this part is sort of a little sneak-peek/background info for the later chapters, so it won't be very long. The other parts will be much longer!

The man in the rich black suit scowled at his computer screen, smashing his fist on the desktop. Another man, this one shorter and wearing a tie with puppies on it, appeared at the other man's side.

"Something wrong, sir?" he asked.

The angry man turned toward his employee, snake-green eyes seething. "What is the meaning of this?" He gestured to the screen, where a map with several pulsing red dots on it glowed.

"Sir?" The shorter man peered at the screen, unable to see the problem.

The angry man clenched his teeth. "I see seven signals, Terrance. Seven. There are supposed to be eight. What happened to the last tracker?"

Terrance shifted uncomfortably. "Well, sir ... they're very powerful, more powerful than the other Avengers ... we might've, uh ..."

His boss raised an impatient eyebrow. In a small voice, Terrance said, "We might've lost their location."

There was a beat of silence, ready to explode. "You what?!"

Terrance held his hands up in defense and took a step back. "There was a problem with the device, sir! There's something about the kid, I don't know what, that makes them almost impossible to track. We've used three different programs, and all of them have failed."

The boss roared. "I need y/n's location immediately, Terrance! Don't you understand, you fool?!" He paced around the room in a panic. "We have one chance at this. One chance to recruit the child. They don't realize how powerful they are. Their abilities on our side would be the only advantage we would need. We would be invincible." He spoke that last word with hunger, as if it were something he had wanted for a while. He rounded on Terrance, grabbing him fiercely by his puppy-decorated tie. "I need all our best programmers, hackers, whatever! I don't care how you do it, just get me the kid's location as fast as possible."

Terrance nodded fearfully. When his boss released him, he stumbled over himself trying to get out of the lab.

"And for heaven's sake, change that horrible tie!" his boss shouted.

He bent down over the computer, a vein bulging in his temple. People were so incompetent. Didn't they realize how important the success of this mission is? One chance. That's all they had. One chance. Failure was not an option.

The light from the computer screen illuminated the name plaque pinned on his fancy suit, reading, Dante Deville.

And next to that, monogrammed into the rich material of the suit, a symbol. One dating back to unimaginable terrors, to the deaths of brave heroes. To nightmares and memories of destruction and tyranny.


A/N: intrigued, yet? hopefully you are. stay tuned for the next part!

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