part 2

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A/N: part 2 is here! no warnings, except for casual talk about burritos and death :)

"If I have to hear one more time that Flash got a BMW for his sixteenth birthday, I'm going to personally submerge myself in a burrito and end it all right there."

Peter chuckled beside me. We walked together through the crowded hallway, which seemed to be swarming with rumors about Flash's stupid new car. Seriously, a BMW? As if he needed another reason to rub it in our faces that he was pretty much better than everyone else.

"Why a burrito?" Peter asked, smiling. Today he was wearing his favorite blue sweater and his hair was all messy. There was a tired look in his eyes which I shared too; he and I had been up practically all night studying for a Bio test.

I shrugged. "Well what if I get hungry while I'm trying to suffocate myself?"

"Who's to say that you wouldn't eat a proper meal before your demise?"

I mulled it over, weaving in between a group of girls. They stared at Peter, whispering and giggling, but he didn't give them a single glance. Apparently he was too invested in our conversation about burritos and death.

"No one, I guess," I decided after a moment. "But burritos just seem like the ideal tool for suffocation, don't you think?"

A few younger students gave us strange glances, overhearing our conversation. I had no shame; burritos are tasty. Peter laughed again.

"I suppose," Peter decided, stopping in front of my english class. "Maybe you can write your english essay on the proper methods of suffocation."

I laughed, punching his shoulder lightly. "You know, you don't have to walk me to all my classes."

"I know," he said. "But I refuse to pass up the opportunity to be chivalrous."

"You're such a dork."

He flashed me a smile. "Are you just figuring that out now?"

"No," I replied. "You're not very subtle about your dorkiness, you know."

"Oh, I know. You tell me all the time."

I glanced back to see the last of the students filing into the classroom already. "I've got to go. See you at lunch?"

"Of course," he said, giving me a quick hug. "Have a good class."

"You too, Peter."


"Keep your arms up!" Natasha barked.

My face was soaked with sweat and pretty much all my muscles felt like jelly right now. My knees kept wobbling as I circled Nat in the ring. I threw a punch, aiming for her jaw. She deflected whip-fast and sent a punch to my gut, promptly kicking at my ankles. I fell to my knees, scraping them on the rough mat underneath me. I was winded and tired and I didn't look up at Nat until I caught my breath. Embarrassing.

She extended her hand out to me and I took it gratefully. "Not bad," she said, brushing dirt off my shirt. "Don't forget to track your opponent's body language. You can tell what move they'll do next if you look closely at their stance."

She took the fighting stance just before she had kicked my ankles down. "See how I'm leaning more on my left foot, how my body's shifted slightly to the left? That's how you know that something's coming from the right side. And the position of my feet should tell you that I was going for your lower body instead of your upper."

I nodded, putting my arms above my head to breathe better. Natasha retrieved some water bottles from the mini-fridge in the corner and tossed it to me. I downed half of it before I remembered to take a breath.

"Alright, how about we take a break from physical training?" Natasha set her bottle down. "How are you doing with your shapeshifting?"

I set my water down and ran fingers through my hair. "Well, yesterday it took me only ten minutes to turn back to normal after shifting into a housecat, so I'd say pretty well."

Natasha nodded, wiping her face with a towel. "That's good. You're learning to control it more on your own. You know, there's only so much I can help you with concerning your abilities. Ultimately you have sole control over them."

She pulled a stopwatch out of her pocket and set it. "Alright y/n, I'm giving you five minutes this time. Let's begin with something small." She thought for a moment. "A raven."

I shut my eyes, blocking out all my surroundings, focusing solely on my heartbeat. I bent my knees slightly and took a deep breath. I thought about what a raven looked like: midnight black plumage, an obsidian black beak, beady eyes. I recalled everything I knew about ravens, from Edgar Allan Poe's poem to the Baltimore Ravens football team. Anything that would help me get in the mindset of the animal.

I felt that familiar tingling in my stomach like a thousand butterflies were taking flight. Then, as if someone had turned my bones to molten lava, I began to shrink to the floor. My arms felt longer and more angular, my feet smaller and rough. My face felt like it was being stretched like putty; it didn't hurt, but it was slightly uncomfortable. I was still working out the kinks of my superpower.

Before I knew it, I had taken the form of a sleek black raven. I flapped my wings, giving a dignified squawk.

Nat cracked a smile. "Awesome. You've got three minutes to change back now."

Before I could get myself in the right mindset, the door to the training room burst open. Peter stood in the doorway, looking slightly out of breath.

"Hi, Miss Natasha," he said, panting. He looked at me and laughed. "A raven, huh?"

"Peter, is there something you need?" Nat reset her watch. "We're in the middle of training."

He went slightly pink. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize— I mean, I should've knocked or something, I can come back another ti—"

"Peter," interrupted Nat patiently.

"Right," he said. "Um, Mr. Stark needs to see you. He said it's important."

A knowing gleam passed over her eyes as if she knew exactly what he was talking about, and something in her face darkened. She glanced over at me and I squawked, wanting to know what was going on.

"Great work today," she said to me, and swiftly headed out the door.

Peter regarded me with a playful look. "Shouldn't you be at Edgar Allen Poe's house?"

I flapped toward him in a flurry of feathers, nipping his hair and face. He ran out of the room, laughing like an idiot.

A/N: big thank for reading :)

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