part 4

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A/N: I can't believe y'all made it to part 4, that's crazy. Hope you like it anyway, the real action is coming up very soon :)


I was awoken by the pounding of a fist on Peter's bedroom door and someone shouting at us, but my brain was too foggy with sleep to recognize what they were saying. Peter groaned next to me, waking as well.

It was Steve's voice outside, calling for me. "Peter, wake up and help me find y/n. Tony needs us all suited up immediately."

At this, my brain snapped to attention. I sat up with a start and looked at Peter, who also was alarmed as well. His hair was sticking up wildly on one side, and the bruises and cuts on his face were puffy and more prominent than last night.

"It's happening," I managed to say.

Peter cursed under his breath and tried to get out of bed, but he winced. The wound on his stomach was nowhere near being healed, though his enhanced immune system should have sped up the process.

"Peter, stop," I told him, making him lay down. "Let me check on your wound, okay? Then we can deal with everything else."

He nodded but he seemed reluctant to do so. I unwrapped the bandage from his abdomen and peeled away the gauze, which was caked with dark, dried blood. Fortunately, the wound had healed up better than I expected. It has closed up for the most part, but it was still red and puffy and tinted with green. Leftovers of the poison. Though it wasn't completely healed, I was happy that the poison was almost gone.

Just as I finished changing the gauze and wrapping him up with the bandage, the door burst open. Steve stood in the threshold, already clad in his Captain America suit. His shield was strapped on his back, and there was a stony glare in his eyes that softened once he saw me.

"Oh, there you are," he said to me. His gaze shifted to Peter. "Are you hurt?"

"It's nothing," assured Peter. "I just got hurt last night while on patrol. But y/n took care of me."

Steve nodded, relieved. "Well, that's good. Anyway, I hope you guys heard what I said earlier. Tony called us all in. We've got a mission."

I hope he couldn't see that my shoulders tensed. In all honesty, I was really nervous. I had no idea what was going on, or who was attacking us, or how I was involved in this. But I simply nodded my head at Steve. "We'll be there in a few minutes, as soon as I'm done."

"Take it easy, Peter," Steve suggested. "Don't push yourself as hard, if you aren't fully healed. We'd like to keep you alive, alright?"

"Okay, Mr. Rogers."

Steve left, and I cut the excess bandage off with a pair of scissors. Our eyes locked together, and I could feel him scanning my face, trying to read my emotions. Was I scared? Determined? To be quite honest, I wasn't sure myself.

"It's gonna be okay," he said to me gently. "I'll be with you. Every step of the way."

I gave him a shaky smile and got up from his bedside. "I'll see you out there, Pete. And brush your hair for me, please."

He let out a breathy laugh. "Okay, Mom."

The suit that I was given was also designed by Tony. It was black with silver accents, breathable but snug. It did come with a mask, a thin spandex thing with eye holes surrounded with silver swirls, almost like a cat. The best part of it was that I was able to shapeshift in it; I mean, I'm able to shapeshift in regular clothes (and still retain them when switching back, thank God), but while normal clothes tended to absorb the energy that I exerted when shifting, this suit was built so that it reflected that energy, allowing me to take in and shift with ease.

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