part 7

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A/N: this chapter is quite angsty, but I am really proud of it! Hope you like it :)


Despite how unbelievably scared and shocked I was, the Mission Impossible theme song rang throughout my head as I plummeted through thin air after Peter.

I hadn't realized just how much time had passed. The sky was streaked with pink and purple light like a painter's canvas. As it stretched further away from the horizon, it bled a murky navy blue.

The wind ripped through my hair and brought sharp tears to my eyes. My cheeks stung red and there was an aching in my lungs as I gasped desperately for air.

It hadn't quite registered in my brain what I was doing, the fact that there was absolutely nothing supporting my body but air. Yet there was something strangely calming about the feeling of falling through the air, the feeling of pure weightlessness. I felt free, almost. I heard nothing but the harsh wind whistling in my ears and felt nothing but the extreme cold wrap around my body like an icy blanket.

I seemed to be in a dream-like state. I almost forgot what I was doing, where I was going. I got lost in the euphoria of complete nothingness. I outstretched my arms like a bird; I knew what it was like being a bird, but there was something different about this feeling. My stomach was sinking with gravity, adrenaline pulsing through my veins, the wind and the cold my only companions. I was a flightless bird, but there was nothing more delightful.

That is, until I heard Peter's voice in my head, like a beacon in the night. It snapped me back to reality, lifted me from my stupor. He was telling me that he would be with me no matter what; I could practically see his gleaming puppy dog eyes, ones that I knew so well. The slight huskiness of his voice acted like an anchor and suddenly every inch of my body was awake.

There was hardly any light but the pinkish-gold streaks in the sky that cast everything in a hazy glow. Directly below me lay a rippling body of water that reflected the magnificence of the sky. The Central Park lake was both Peter's and my destination.

I searched for him wildly below me, trying to catch a glimpse of his red and blue suit, but it  was too dim to see and the water was so close now that I had nothing to do but shut my eyes and hold my breath.

My brain felt the cold of the water first, as if all my nerves had frozen solid. The water was a murky black, and way deeper than I thought. My heart pounded so hard in my ears that my head began to throb.

The thing that was scariest about the moment was that I felt like I had no control.

I didn't know where Peter was. Tony was probably miles away, wondering what happened to us. My shoulder ached, slightly numb from the cold. I couldn't see anything. And worst of all, I couldn't shift.

I thought about fish, whales, sharks, sea turtles. Anything that would help me navigate the pitch black waters. My throat and lungs were on fire from lack of oxygen. Everything was going wrong.

My head began to spin. I didn't know which was was north or south. I couldn't rely on my powers; they seemed to have shut down all at once. Perhaps it was from fear. I felt utterly hopeless and helpless, especially knowing that my best friend was sinking in the waters with me, drowning and nursing a fatal wound.

I was sinking fast. I tried to move my arms to swim but the bandage on my shoulder was soaked, and the dirty New York water was seeping into the wound. I plunged deeper into the blackness, losing feeling in all my extremities. Losing oxygen. I was panicking, flailing about the water and trying to stay afloat. I had to find Peter. I had to get us out of here.

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