part 6

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A/N: asdjfkslskgj guys this is probably my favorite chapter, let me know what you think!


I woke with a headache that throbbed to the beat of my heart and a pain in my shoulder that was so intense I nearly blacked out when I opened my eyes.

Groaning, I tried to put a hand to my head to steady my vision but I found that moving my right arm even the slightest bit made me want to commit die. Liquid from my wound dripped down my back. I wasn't sure if it was blood or poison. Probably both.

I struggled to rise, but quickly realized that I was confined to a metal chair, my wrists tied down with taut ropes.

"Where . . . where am I?" I croaked, noticing that I could barely hear my own words. There was a low, vibrating hum pulsing throughout the air that sounded similar to the hum you hear when you're on an airplane. I remembered seeing some sort of flying saucer thing before I blacked out, and made the connection. This must have been HYDRA.

A man stepped out from the shadows of the setting, which, quite honestly, was just a little overdramatic. Unnervingly, I couldn't hear his footsteps, like he was walking on air.

"Where do you think you are?" drawled his voice, nearly drowned by the hum of the aircraft.

I resisted the urge to cry out at the pain in my shoulder, but I managed to look him dead in the eyes. "Hell. Which is wherever you and your stupid HYDRA is."

He seemed amused, the angular features of his face turning up slightly. "Well, that just saves me the introductions, I suppose." He folded his hands behind his back and walked closer to my chair. "Nevertheless, my mother did not raise me to be impolite. My name is Dante Deville, and currently, I am the leader of HYDRA."

Even though his face was half in shadow from the dim sunlight peeking through the windows, I could see how icy his snake green eyes were. I knew that right now, he was being as polite as possible to try and make a good impression. But I also knew, just by those eyes, that he was capable of evil things that I preferred not to think about it.

"I don't care who you are," I spat. "I'm not falling for any of your stupid tricks. I've heard of HYDRA and all the cruel things they have done. I will never be a part of that."

"Sergeant Barnes was weak," insisted Deville. "You, my dear, are more powerful than you realize."

"I'm not your dear."

Deville simply smirked. "The Avengers wish to restrain your powers, to keep you inside a box. Tell me right now, do you really think they need another hero on their team?"

I glared stonily, but said nothing. Where was he going with this?

"At HYDRA, we can teach you to use the full extent of your powers. We want you to be free. Isn't that what you want?"

"Freedom is not with HYDRA," I replied plainly.

He regarded me with an expression of pity, like he was looking at a lost puppy. It made my blood boil. "How feeble you are. Living with the Avengers has made you soft."

"Yeah? How so?" I challenged, breathing heavily from the pain in my shoulder. Black spots danced in my vision, but I pretended they weren't there and tried to steady myself.

"Well, I can tell that wound is bothering you," he stated, eyes gleaming hauntingly. "The Avengers teach you bravery? I don't believe it. A true hero doesn't let their pain affect their mission. If you chose to train at HYDRA, you wouldn't feel that wound. You wouldn't feel pain at all. Don't you wonder what that would be like, how great of a warrior that would make you?"

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