part 3

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A/N: here's part 3, where things get a little juicy ;)


When I had finally managed to turn back, I set out to Peter's room to do homework, though I could barely walk; the muscles in my legs burned like hell from the workout. I hobbled through the halls of the Avengers Tower, thinking about grabbing a snack from the pantry. Tony had bought Pop-Tarts and I couldn't wait to get my hands on them.

I half-expected the box to be empty, knowing how Thor loved to go crazy with the Poptarts. Fortunately, there were two left, so I grabbed one for Peter too.

I headed down the hall to Peter's room, thinking about all the pages of Shakespeare I had yet to read, when I heard Natasha's voice through the door on my right. I stopped abruptly, putting my ear to the wood.

Okay, I wasn't really one to snoop, but Tony had always kept me in the loop with things, whether they be a new piece of technology, or a possible threat. He never confided in just one person. One of the greatest things about him was that he made sure to tell everyone what was on his mind. Perhaps that's what made me listen closely to the raised voices of Tony and Natasha, wondering what was so important that I wasn't invited in.

" ... protect them forever!" yelled Nat. I kept my breaths quiet to listen.

"Look, I just need a little more time!" protested Tony's voice. He sounded panicked. Fearful, almost. "A few days at least to finish it. Isn't there something we can do to stall the attack?"

My ears pricked at attack. So there really was something going on that I didn't know about.

"Tony," Nat said gently. There was a slight pause, and I imagined she was giving him a knowing look. "We've pushed them back long enough. The enemy already know all our locations. Disconnecting the tracker was the last thing we could do. There's no use preventing them anymore."

Tony groaned in frustration. "I'm certain this will work, though. Just a day, twenty four hours, Nat! Can't you do something?"

"I already told you," she replied. "There's nothing more we can do." She sighed nervously. "Tony, you know you can't shield the kid forever. They're going to have to fight sooner or later."

"I can't risk it, Nat," he protested. "I've nearly lost Peter more times that I can count. I don't want them to be in danger anymore. Or Peter." He sighed. "You know he's going to get involved. They're inseparable. They protect each other. I can't risk putting them in any more danger."

"Tony, I know you love them like they're your children. But a good parent knows that you can't protect your children forever. You need to let them go. I mean, it was only a matter of time that someone discovered the kid's powers. We can't focus on preventing the attack anymore, okay? We need to tackle this head on."

There was so much that was going through my brain that I couldn't move for a solid thirty seconds. All I knew was that an attack was coming and Tony had been trying to prevent it. That meant that it was going to be super dangerous, especially hearing Tony panicking. And somehow, I was involved in the attack.

The shuffling of feet from the other side of the door aroused me from my stupor. I forgot the weakness in my legs and sprinted to Peter's room

I threw open the door, startling him. He was sitting on his bed, listening to music. He pulled out his earbuds. "What's wrong?"

I threw a Poptart at him and shut the door. "I've got tea to spill."

He looked surprised. "How hot is it?"

I ripped open my Poptart, scattering crumbs all over the floor. "Scalding."


I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom, wondering when sleep was going to take me away.

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