part 5

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A/N: howdy my good friends, sorry it's been a few days since I've posted, I've had some stuff to deal with, but I'm back with the fifth chapter to this series! Thanks for reading!


I watched the skies nervously, feeling as though someone else were watching me. We'd been battling this hydra for nearly an hour, and though there were quite a few dents, the thing showed no signs of slowing down. Steve's punches were useless and Clint's arrows bounced harmlessly off of it. The most impact that we managed to make was Bruce's hulk-smash, which depressed one of the hydra's eight heads so it looked like a crumpled tin can. But other than that, no external damage was made.

Tony, an expert with robots and all things technology, tried to find a groove in the metal to dissect it and find its inner workings, but nothing was found, and about three of the heads tried to bite his face off if he even got too close. The monster snapped off all of Peter's webs, and Nat was the only one swift enough to dodge its blows, though she was hardly able to hurt it without suffering a bite to the thigh. Everyone had some sort of injury, whether it be a couple of bruises or a couple of broken ribs.

All in all, the thing was unbeatable and it definitely kept us busy. But that's exactly what we were worried about. So far there was no sign of HYDRA at all, and we were worried that we would get too distracted by the hydra automaton that they would surprise us. We had already decided that the hydra was a diversion, but that didn't make a difference. It was still programmed to kill us, and we had to at least slow it down so we could keep an eye out.

Peter shot a web on a nearby building, just barely missing the razor sharp teeth of the eighth head. He swung in a wide arc and landed squarely on one of the heads.

"Look for a control panel!" Tony shouted, shooting one of the heads with the supercharged energy blasters that he recently created. It half-melted two of the heads with its intense heat, but that only made them mad. They sprayed Tony's suit with poison from inside its mouth.

I tried to think of a way to help Peter, but I was too busy trying to distract one of the heads so that Wanda could try some of her magic on them as a form of restricting their movements.

"Hey, over here!" I shouted at them, waving my arms. Four heads twisted in my direction hungrily and charged. As they snapped at me, I quickly shifted into a bumblebee. The hydra heads looked confused for a moment at my absence, but they quickly narrowed their eyes and followed my new form like feral cats to a laser pointer. I zoomed in zig-zag patterns to confuse them, which fortunately did the trick. They didn't notice Wanda.

Tendrils of red light sprouted from her fingers angrily and wrapped around all eight necks of the hydras, constricting them together with a painful CLANG like the sound of one of those enormous church bells. Sweat beaded her face as she brought her hands together, making the cords of energy wrap tighter around their metal armor.

This gave Peter more stability to try and search for a control panel, and for the rest of the Avengers to take a breather. I shifted back to normal and caught my breath, feeling a little dizzy from flying so fast.

"There's nothing here!" shouted Peter shrilly. He leapt off the hydra, somersaulting in midair, and landed on the asphalt steadily. Tony and the others grouped around us, trying to figure out what to do.

"Has anyone seen a sign of HYDRA yet?" inquired Steve, wiping sweat from his forehead and smearing a gash that was bleeding there. He winced.

Nat slipped her gun in the holster on her belt. "Nothing so far." She limped off to stop Hulk from smashing a national bank.

"I don't get it," said Peter, breathing heavily. "Why are they waiting so long?"

"They want to make sure we're beaten down enough before they attack," said Clint. He collected some arrows from the ground and slipped them in his quiver.

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