Chapter 6

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  As Will's lips released from mine every so gently, I took a deeper look into his eyes

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  As Will's lips released from mine every so gently, I took a deeper look into his eyes. Those eyes that had me captivated for a whole weekend one summer, back almost 15 years ago. We were just a bunch of kids with the sun shining down on our youthful faces. Me not a care in the world and Will with more than enough cares for the both of us. He managed to come back into my life again and had shook it up, as it may be boring, but nonetheless it was a predictable life that I had grown accustomed to. I was just feeling like I could pick up the pieces of my life since the accident.


  He held me in his arms for a few moments, arms wrapped around my waist and my head on his chest. His hand caressing my ashy ringlets as I breathed in his masculine cologne. Standing here with him exactly as we were now brought flashes of him leaving that summer. How I wished back then that he could have stayed that night.


  It made sense that Will had decided to go by Seth now. William was Seth's dad and lets just say they didn't have the best of relationships. To go by Seth was I'm sure in some way his attempt to cleanse himself of his connection to his father. But if it wasn't for his destructive father I would have never meet Seth back in the summer of 2004.

"Tell me Lace, what are you thinking?" Seth said looking for confirmation. I had forgotten how much I loved when he called me that. His expression on his face reminded me of the reason I had first fallen in love with him. My first love.


  I paused a moment before speaking, trying to take in this moment before it passed. "I didn't know if I was ever going to see you again." I whispered.


  Years of emotions come pouring through as I tried to make sense of it all. Where had he been and why did it take him so long to come back? I waited for him for almost five years, knowing now that was the real reason for me not going away to college. I waited for you Seth.


  As tears fell down both our faces, we stood standing in a moment of time that neither of us wanted to fade, afraid to let go. Afraid that our lives we have lived since that fateful summer had changed us too much to still be together. The spring air blew around us awaking the memories that flooded our minds. With his embrace, I was brought back to being that 14 year old girl again......

***Summer of 2004***

  It had taken us over 6 hours on the bus to get home from camp and I was exhausted. I never so badly wanted to be home and sleep in my own bed. Camp had been fun for the first week but never again in my life will I go away for 2 weeks, living in a cabin with 7 other girls. Don't even get me started on having to share a bath house, it felt inhumane! I was one for some good girl talk but by the start of week two I just wanted to slap about half of them. Most just talked behind each other's backs. I remember now why most of my friends back home were boys, besides my BFF Jenny.


  As I was deep in thought about the events that had taken place during camp, the bus pulled into the church parking lot. The church was nearly the central point to our town that was laden with conservative families.


  Gazing out the bus window I could see that most of the girls families were here to pick them up. A few girls from this town and some from neighboring towns. My house was only two blocks away so I was just going to walk home, more like run home to a nice hot bath and my comfy memory foam bed. I imagined my fuzzy blanket wrapped around me while I binged watched some of my T.V shows that I had definitely gotten behind on. It totally sucked not having any T.V, let alone cell reception. I had been electronically deprived for too long.

  Why I decided to sign up for this trip was beyond me. I would have much rather spent the last three weeks of summer before school started up again hanging out at the coffee shop, meeting up with friends to go to the movies, or hanging out down by the river. There really wasn't much to do in this town but we always found ways to entertain ourselves, as our parents would say. I remember now why I went...because my parents pressured me to go.


  Grabbing my two duffel bags I headed in the direction of home sweet home. Nearly to my house I got a text from my Dad saying to met them at the coffee shop.

"Great!" I said with total disgust and frustration as I figured I would have to skip my hot bath for the moment. A huge sigh passed through my lips.


  I realized I had so many missed calls and texts that just now decided to come through. Since I was back to civilization even if it was our little town. Scrolling through my missed texts I almost didn't see him. Honestly, the only thing that made me look up was the fact that I felt like someone was staring at me, watching me.

"Hey." He said as I noticed he was recovering from a black eye.

"Um...hey?" I said more of a question then a friendly neighborly hello.


  He ran a hand through his dark chocolate hair, adjusting the gel that didn't seem to take permanent hold of his gorgeous hair.

"I'm Will." was all he said as he threw his skateboard down on the sidewalk.

"Lacey." was all I could get out of my mouth, somehow already half mesmerized by his good looks.

  As I watched him skate down the sidewalk in towards town all I could think of was who is this new guy and why does he have a black eye?

***Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! I know you have been waiting awhile

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***Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! I know you have been waiting awhile. Are you happy to see how they first meet all those years ago? I will be switching back and forth between the past and present throughout the rest of the book. But most will be written in the present. Please vote and comment guys, it keeps me going! LOL!  ***

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