Part 12

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"Whaaaaaaat......?" The man with a fluffy hair and magnet coat said.

I immediately closed the door and fixed myself while we are still inside the carriage.

"This is all your fault.." I whispered to Lafayette and went out. He didn't say a word instead he avoids my gaze but I saw his face that is so red like a cherry. He went outside first and I followed.

"Monsieur Jefferson, good to see you, mon ami" Lafayette greeted and he shook hands

"I see you already got the job done before you settled" he said with a Virginian accent. Huh, he too is from the south. And with what he said to Lafayette he made Lafayette's ear turn red.

"U-uhm.... this is Martha Washington, mi ange" he said and gestured to me and I went near him and shook hands

"Pleasure to meet you, mi lady" he said and kissed my hand. But before he do it Lafayette went in front of me and took my hand from Jefferson.

"Ooh. Being territorial, I see" he said and let out a small laugh "you must be very special to him, miss Martha. Well, why don't we go inside and have some supper, shall we?" He said and lead the way. Lafayette put his arm in my waist and pulled me closer to him as we walk. I glanced at him and he just smiled at me. He showed us our room and we settled our things their.

A moment after we went down and ate dinner. As we sat on the table Lafayette pulled my chair for me and pushed it back when I sat. I said my thanks and sat properly.

"So mademoiselle Martha, where did you and Lafayette met?" Jefferson said as he slice the chicken thigh and put it in his mouth.

"Actually... Long story, I fought the far with him" I said and sip my champagne

"Ooh and I presume that General George Washington is you Father, am I correct?" He asked

"Yes" I replied politely

"I wonder why he let his lovely daughter to be in involved in a blood bath?" he said and I can feel that he is really getting on my nerves

"Actually, I voluntarily and stubbornly joined the war with my cousin" I said starting to feel annoying, he nod in reply. Gladly he didn't ask questions after that and we ate silently.

After dinner we went to bed and prepared to sleep. I hugged Lafayette and he put his arm around me as we lay on bed.

"Tomorrow morning we will go see France and we will have dinner at my parents" He said and kissed my head

"That sounds great, Honey" I said and yawn, I can feel myself drifting to sleep. I hugged him tightly and so did he to me. I am so lucky to be with him and to have him as mine.

The morning came and I reach for my side to hug my lover, but he isn't there. I felt something cold, smells fresh and wet hugged me from behind as I still lay on bed.

"Bonjour, mi cheri" he said and kissed me. I smiled and turned to him and pulled him down to lay down by my side and clearly he was surprised on what I did. I hug him and put my legs and hand around him.

"M-mi a-ange" he stuttered and groaned

"Hmm?" I innocently hummed

"P-please stop torturing me liked 
t-this" he said and I just realized that he only have a towel to cover his bottom. I immediately went up and went inside the bathroom because of embarrassment on what I did to him. I shut the door of the bathroom and I heard him let out a small laugh. I took a bath and when I was finish I got dressed. When I step outside the bathroom and kept on avoiding Lafayette's gaze. I went to the mirror to put some powder on my face. But then I felt a hand wrapped on my waist and gave me a back hug.

I can feel Lafayette's deep breathing on my ear which gave me a shiver to my spine.

"I didn't know that mon amour is so.... aggressive" he said then but my ear. I shouted in pain and pushed him slightly away from me. He just laughed at me and I can feel my face heat up. I turn to the mirror and saw that my face is turning red. I rub my ear to sooth the pain that the Frenchman did. After that I gave him a glare and he just wink at me instead.

We heard a knock on the door and heard Jefferson said "come on lovebirds, breakfast is ready"

"We're coming, mon ami" Lafayette replied and he took my hand when I finished fixing myself up.

After breakfast we went out for a tour as what Lafayette have promised. Jefferson said that he will just stay home because he has a lot of things to do.

We entered a big cathedral to what they call the Notre Dame.

"Isn't it wonderful, mon amour? This is the place where we will exchange our vows" he said and put his hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him. He turn me to him and gave me a loving kiss, I return the kiss and we broke to breath.

"Now he is the witness to our love. No one can ruin or take what we have. I am yours and you are mine and He knows that" he said lovingly and look at the alter.

"Je'taime, Lafayette. More than anything" I said and gave him another kiss.

When we step out of the Cathedral we saw that the sun is setting.

"Let's head to my parents now" he said and I nodded

We rode the carriage for an hour and it is a little far from the city. When we arrive at Lafayette's house... scratch that... it's a mansion as big as the Schuyler's Estate.

He led me inside and went to the living room where two of his parents are. A fine woman is sitting on a chair next in front of the fireplace reading a book and drinking tea. While a man who is in his late 60's is reading the paper. Lafayette cleared his throat and that caught the attention of his parents.

"Oh Lafayette-" she said with a smile and that smiled faded when her eyes landed on me. Then she started to speak in French and Lafayette also answered her in French. I think they are arguing because after their short conversation her mother stormed out the room.

Then his father called his attention.

"This is Martha Washington. mon amour" he introduced and his father placed down his paper and stood and faced us.

"Washington? Are you the daughter of General George Washington?" He said in a very thick french accent.

"Yes sir" I said and he nodded

Then he spoke in French and all I understood is when Lafayette replied "oui"

"Well you may be hungry, let's go to the dining, s'il vous plaît" he si then lead us to the dining

When Lafayette pulled me near him I whispered to him. "Is your mother displease to see me?"

"Non, cheri. She's just like that. I'll explain to you later" he said and when we arrived at the dining table his mother is already there and followed me with a glance. I swear there is definitely something wrong.
Lafayette's father sat at the center of the table and his mother is on his father's left and Lafayette sat on the right, I sat beside Lafayette. He squeezed my hand and that made me feel safe.

When the food is serve we ate silently. Until Lafayette's mother decided to break the silence.

"So... You're with my son, correct?" She said in an elegant but strict way.

"Y-yes Madame" I replied trying to clam myself.

"What do you want with him?" She continued

"Mama" Lafayette said and I felt insulted with her question. What does she mean by that?

"Pardon, Madame?" I said trying to hold back my tear.

"Surely you went with my son because he has fortune am I correct?" The hell she's talking about

"Mama, stop!" Lafayette interjected

I stood up and clearly it shock all of them.

Ok Martha... inhale.... exhale...

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