Part 16

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I woke up when someone jumped on my bed. A little boy with a curly hair and little freckles on his face, smile
at me brightly.

"Hi aunt Martha! I miss you so much" He said then jumped to me to give me a big hug.

Who's child is this?!

"HERCULES MULLIGAN!" I shouted and he came running to my room and looked at me shocked

"Is this yours?!" I said pointing at the child hugging me

"You seriously don't recognize him?" He said and crossed his arm. I raised a brow and looked him confusingly

"But it surely looks like he misses you, Martha" a familiar female voice said and she came out from Hercules' back

"Oh my gosh! Eliza" I said and I really want to hug her but I can't because this boy is now sitting on my lap playing with my hair. Then realization hits me. This boy is my god child

"Is this Philip? No way!" I said and raised Philip high in front of me and he just laughed. I smiled and admire as how he got older. Eliza let out a small laugh and entered the room. Mulligan went out because he said that he is cooking breakfast.

"When Mulligan said that you're here, I immediately went here as possible because fist is that I miss you and second this kid is asking about you for months. We always show a picture of you since he only see Lynn in person" she said and I look at the kid in front of me

"What a smart kid, I bet you got that from your dad, huh?" I said and tickled him. What an angel.

"Mulligan told us about Lafayette and what you've lost. I'm sorry for that Martha" she said with and gave me a sad smile.

Hercules did what? I mentally face palmed because I clearly said not to tell anyone about it.

"Well things aren't just meant to be" i said and Hercules peeped out the door

"Breakfast ladies" he said I glared at him and clearly he knows why.

"Why don't you go first at the dinning ill freshen up a little first" I said to Eliza and she smiled and carried Philip.

"Not you" I said and pulled Hercules inside the room by his ear.

"Ow ow ow ow" he said rubbed his redden ear when I let go of it. "Why?"

"Don't give me that face" i said and crosses my arm "what did I tell you about telling anyone about the secret?"

"I clearly remember that you said not to tell 'them' which you refer to your parents" he said and I face palmed myself

"When I said them. I mean EVERYONE" I gritted my teeth and let out a sigh

"Just.... don't tell my parents. OKAY?"


We went out the dining and had our breakfast. During breakfast, the three of us talk and laughed, while Philip is on my lap playing with the vegetables on my plate.

I decided to go home to my parents after breakfast, Mulligan insisted that he will escort me home, when We entered our house they are more than happy to see me. Mother hugged me and Father gave me a kiss on the forehead. Lynn is on the living room couch shock.

"Nice to see you too, Mulligan" Father said and gave Hercules a fatherly hug.

"Pleasure to see you again, sir" he replied

"Where's Lafayette? Is he with you?" Father said and looked behind me hoping to see his favorite fighting Frenchman

"He's not here. Apparently he has some works to do in their congress" I said

but he didn't. He and me broke up because of his actions. Of I didn't want to tell that to my parents because I know that Father will be furious about it.

"That's too bad. Well now, why don't we talk about everything during dinner. Come now" mother said and she ushered me to the dinning table.

While we eat, Lynn was peculiarly quite. And sometimes I caught Hercules steal a glance at her. I smell something fishy.

After dinner I grabbed Lynn and drag her outside.

"What-" I didn't let her finish because I pulled her into a hug.

"Sorry about Laurens" I said as I hugged her tight. She let go of the hug and I look at her eyes that are full of sorrow.

"Don't be..... it's not your fault anyway" she said trying her best to smile. "It's been 3 months ever since we won the war"

"Don't be afraid to fall in love again. You can find someone to love again. It might not be now, but  I know someday. I'm sure Laurens wants you to be happy too" I said and gave her a smile.

"And I might be that somebody" Mulligan said behind us. Lynn rolled her eyes at him.

"How many times do I tell you, Hercules? You're not my type" Lynn said "see you tomorrow, Martha. Give my thanks to Aunt Martha and Uncle Washington" she added before leaving

After Lynn left. I sat at the porch and Mulligan sat beside me.

"What was that about?" I said to Mulligan raising a brow

"Your cousin likes me, she just doesn't know it yet" he said boastfully

"Oh my god, Hercules. It's just been months since Laurens died. You can't be seriously--"

"He gave me his permission" he said that shocked me


He took a sigh before speaking. "Laurens said that if something happens to him, he wants me to take care of his girl. He said I'm the only man he trusted to take care of Lynn since the rest of his friends are already taken" he said and that made me blink countless times.

"I'm surprised that you can be trusted" I said jokingly and he pouted like a child

"So are you going to help me get your cousin or what?" He said a little but irritated

"Let me think.... nope" I said and laughed.

"Oh, man. You know she's the harder one to get than you" he said


"That's true..... Lafayette just got you in just a matter of days-- ow! What was that for?!" He said after I punched him on the shoulder

"You shall not say foul words" I said and referring to the name he just said

"What bad word? The name of the man you sickly in love with?" He teasingly said and ran while laughing. I threw him a flower pot but it miss him.

"HAHA! MISS!" He said as he ran far away

"COME BACK HER YOU MONGREL" I shouted back while I stand on the porch but he is now far away to be seen. I just sigh and went inside.

I really need some good rest.

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