Part 23

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Dear Martha,

Can you come to our house today? Philip is looking for you non stop, asking to where are you  and if you're going to visit.

Respectfully yours,

A letter just came in this morning. And when I read it I immediately took a bath and went to Eliza's house. If my god child misses me well the feeling is mutual. I took my horse from the stable and rode to Eliza.

When I got there, there was a feeling inside me that I cannot shake. I remembered the event last night and the things that Thomas said to me.

"I swear to God, Martha. I will love you with all my heart"

"And I to you, Thomas"

I just smiled all the way until I arrived at Eliza's house. I knock the door and Eliza opened it.

"So, where's the little chap?" I said and she avoids her gaze.

"H-he's at the m-music room" she stutters

"Eliza, is everything ok?" I asked worriedly

"Of course, why'd you ask?"

"It's because---"

"How does tea sounds, hmm? Oh yes is a great idea, I'll go make one" she said in a rather fast way and the hastily went to the kitchen.


What just happened?

Eliza is acting a little weird today. I just shrugged the feeling and went to where my God child is. I walk to their music room where Philip always plays the piano. And as I walk closely, I already hear the melody of the piano.

"Un, tu, twa, qa, set, sinq...." I heard Philip counting in French while playing the keys inside the room. I knocked three times at the door.

"Come in" Philip said

I cheerfully opened the door and went inside. But my smile suddenly fades when I saw the man who's sitting beside Philip.

"Well, I think my work here is done" Philip said and jumped off the chair.

"Merci, Philip" Lafayette said and Philip replied with a salute. Philip closed the door behind him,  I followed him and I opened the knob but it was lock.

"My apologies, Aunt Martha. But I think the door is stuck" Philip said from the other side and I heard the sound of a key that hit the floor. I think he dropped it.

"Oh dang it..." He said from the other side.

"Martha..." Lafayette said but I am still facing the door

"Martha please, look at me... we haven't talk since.... well since that day" He said nervously

"There is nothing to talk about, Monsieur Marquis" I said and hold the door knob and keep on turning it but it's no use. "Smart move on using Eliza and Philip to make me come here" my back still facing him.

"Cheri, I Love you"

I stop to what I was going to do when he said those words. Love? Bullshit!  I turned to him and pulled a chair and sat. I agree to talk to this asshole and maybe he can shut up.

"Alright, let's talk" I sat straight and looked at him plainly

"Ok, uh....." he said then grabbed a chair and placed it a bit close in front of me. I pushed it backwards using my feet before he sat. He was surprised at first but he took a sit anyway.

"Look, Cheri--"

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?!" I snapped at him and he just cleared his throat.

"Martha, I know I've lied and I've cheated--"

"Hmp, tell me about it" I cut out and he just look at me

"But I wish you know my heart only belongs to you-"

"Oh really?"

"You are my one and only--" I yawn in boredom and cut him again and I notice that he stares at me silently

"Can I continue now?" He said irritatingly. Good, I'm getting in his nerves.

"Please, by all means..." I said and gestured him using my hand to continue

"As I was saying-"


"I'm sorry for what I've done-"

"Are you now?" I said sarcastically

"I regret all the things I've done-"

"Oh? How so?"

"I realized that if I should've been more focus and self controlled, I wouldn't be misguided--"

"Ooh look at the little birdie" I said and looked at the window where the bird is and then it flew away. I look at the man in front of me who is clearly controlling his temper.

"You were saying?"

"I always love you with all my heart--"

"Bullshit!" I said and looked at him with  narrowed eyes

"Will you just let me speak?!" He said

"Why should I? Like I said, Lafayette, there is nothing to talk about. You already prove to me that your love was a lie along time ago. You would've come home to me that day but no! Instead I saw you with that whore! And if you really love me, you wouldn't agree to your pathetic excuse of a mother on arranging you to a marriage to Miss Adrienne. But no! Instead I see you here again, begging for sympathy and claiming that you still love me!" I growled as I stood up "you know what? If you had just thought about us before? We could be a family by now..... Don't worry, I won't waste another tear for you, I'm happy with my life and having Thomas with it"

"You really love him don't you?" He said sadly. I heard the door clicked like someone opened it from the outside.

"He is more than I could ever ask for" I straightened and fixed my dress and ought to walk away and turned to him one last time.

"That was a nice conversation, Monsieur Marquis, I won't be hoping or expecting for the next time. Have a wonderful life" when I opened the door I was relief that it was already opened and I completely exit the room with hand on my heart. That was intense! I sighs in relief with the air that I can now breath. When I was in that room I felt like that the room I lacking oxygen.

When I opened my eyes to see Philip is smiling widely  at me.

"Don't give me that look you little-"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry Aunt Martha, I just want to help.... him. I know you have Mister Thomas already but Monsieur Lafayette just wanted to apologize and told me everything. I also know that he doesn't deserve you and you are better off without him, but I just want you and him to have a closure before you get married" he explained and I was just shock in this kid's brilliance. He really has his Father's brain and attitude. Mature and intelligent.

"Come here you" I said and pulled him into a hug and tickled him lightly.

"Now, why don't we go to my bake shop for some ice cream, how's that sound?" And with that he cheered in excitement and his childish ways came back

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