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"have you noticed the new one yet? damn it, he's cute," yongguk whispered.

junhong rolled his eyes and quickly took a look at the last row. there was a name sign on the new one's jacket. the school was doing it to every new student. junhong didn't know if it was a help for the teachers to remember the names easier or to expose the people.

junhong looked at his best friend. yongguk grinned, his dark curly hair hanging into his face. junhong sighed silently and then focused back on the drawing on his block sheet. he always drew something when he was bored. he really liked pirates so this time it was a pirat ship. junhong intensely looked at his drawing. it wasn't that bad actually.

"choi junhong," the teacher suddenly said loudly and junhong looked up quickly.

"yes ma'am?"

the blue haired boy didn't pay attention the last ten minutes because he was so into drawing the pirat ship which in his opinion was way more productive than the school lesson.

"come to the board," his math teacher said and handed him a piece of chalk.

junhong blushed in annoyed anger and slowly walked through the whole classroom to the board. the boys in the last row were always throwing paper planes or something through the whole classroom and the teacher didn't say a word but when junhong didn't pay attention he would become a punishment.

on the board were written down some exercises which seemed quite complicated. junhong shrugged and wrote down something he thought might be correct. mathematics was definitely not his favorite subject.

"failed, mr choi. sit down. moon jongup you're new here right? would you try it?," the teacher said. junhong sat down and lowered his head. he felt exposed and embarrassed. he clenched his wrists and thought of the best way to strangle his teacher and get away with murder.

he was so mad at his teacher, she managed it every single time to expose him in front of the whole class. jongup walked to the board and tried his luck thought junhong wasn't sure if he could solve the exercises either.

incredibly it was all correct.

"his grades are probably as good as he looks like," yongguk murmured.

junhong snorted. he somehow didn't like the thought of yongguk finding the new guy attractive at all. he didn't know exactly why but in his mind he decided to not like this jongup.

finally the bell rang and junhong followed his best friend yongguk out of the classroom. he really hoped that youngguk wouln'd talk about jongup the whole break because it was getting very annoying.


enjoy ;)

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