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yongguk kept coming closer and closer and the closer he came the more junhong turned his head away.

"what do you want," the younger asked quietly.

"i want you back," older said. junhong finally managed to push yongguk away. then he looked at the face of the brown haired. he looked kinda angry and junhong panicked.

"why do you ignore me," yongguk asked one more time.

"but YOU started doing it hyung! you ignored me. you paid your attention just on jongup and i felt so bad because that but YOU didn't notice!," junhong shouted.

now he was angry too. "yeah this was because... because...," older stuttered.

"yeah keep searching for a good excuse because there isn't any!," blue haired snorted.

junhong tried to escape from the room and to open the door, but yongguk took his hand and stopped him again. then he pulled the younger into a big hug.

"i'm so sorry junhongie. i didn't mean to hurt you. i missed you so much baby," yongguk said and suddenly started crying.

"you're such an idiot. i missed you too hyung," younger responded and also felt his tears coming up and he leaned his face on yongguk's shoulder.

he didn't want to let go of him anymore. after some time the two boys disconnected their hug and looked at each other. their were suddenly really close to each other and junhong felt butterflies in his stomach.

"hyung?," he murmured.

"hmm," yongguk mumbled telling him that he was listening and junhong should go on talking.

"you won't ever leave me again, right?," taller wanted to know.

"never," curly haired answered and smiled softly.

and then he suddenly kissed junhong. it was something the younger had never expected but he really liked it. yongguk's lips felt warm and soft and he was immediately addicted to them.

their lips moved slowly against each other. both of the boys had closed their eyes and were enjoying it. yongguk had his hands on the younger's hips and junhong laid his fingers on the older's neck.

after a quite long time they disconnected and both smiled happily. yongguk raised the other's chin so that junhong had to look him into the eyes.

"junhongie there's something i wanted to tell you for a long time right now. i-i have feelings for you. i really, really love you baby," yongguk said.

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