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"we're all very gay," daehyun said and all laughed.

himchan, junhong and daehyun were at youngjae's home and chatted with each other. two months passed since himchan and junhong were officially a couple. nobody knew that their whole relationship was a fake except the four friends.

junhong didn't talk with yongguk at all and now the older started ignoring junhong. luckily junhong didn't see jongup and yongguk kissing so he had still hope that they were just normal friends.

junhong really liked his new friends, they talked about everything and they knew all of each others secrets.

but maybe this was because like youngjae said that they were all very gay and understood each others problems very well. youngjae and daehyun came out as a couple like a week ago.

they looked super cute together, junhong thought. himchan wanted to know like everything about their relationship, which was really cringe because it ended up with daehyun telling himchan about his and yougjae's sex life.

youngjae was a little bit mad at both. at himchan because he asked and at daehyun because he just told everything. but youngjae's madness was just for a day until they talked to each other again.

now the four boys were sitting on youngjae's couch and trying to decide which film they should watch.

"i like black beauty," daehyun suddenly said and himchan started laughing.


youngjae shrugged.

"i like it too. except the end that's where i'm always starting to cry because it's so sad," he mentioned.

"do you have some good films?," junhong asked.

"i don't know but i have netflix," youngjae answered and grinned.

so at the end they decided to watch the walking dead, because it was himchan's biggest wish.

"why do you have to pick something like that? i don't like horror films," daehyun complained.

himchan rolled his eyes.

"it isn't a bad horror film though," he answered.

to daehyun it seemed like the creepiest thing he has ever watched.

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