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when junhong reached the toilet he went in, sat down and leaned against the wall while closing his eyes. where yongguk and jongup really a couple now? junhong stood up again and locked himself in toilet cabin.

he heard the door opening and closing but he didn't care. but when he got out of the cabin again he froze when he saw who was standing in front of the sink.

the blue haired looked around but he couldn't discover jongup so he concluded that he and yongguk were alone. junhong's hands were shaking when he washed his hands. he wanted to get out of here as fast as he could.

junhong dried his hands and then wanted to rush out of the toilet, his hand was already on the door handle when he felt a hand holding him back and he was turned around. now junhong stared right into yongguks cold eyes.

"how much longer do you wanna play this game?," the older asked with a deep voice which sent shivers down junhong's spine.

"w-what do you mean?," blue haired asked with a shaking voice.

yongguk suddenly came very very close so that junhong already could feel yongguk's warm breath on his face. the you get wanted to went backwards but he could already feel the sink on his back.

"you're ignoring me," yongguk answered after some time.

blue haired snorted, "yeah because you started ignoring ME," he said offended.

yongguk smiled a little bit.

"you're cute when you're upset," he murmured and put a hand on junhong's cheek.

junhong thought that the older had to hear his heart beat because it was bumping so freaking loud against his chest. his head told him to run away or to scream at yongguk but neither his legs nor his voice obeyed.

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