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again a week passed and junhong felt large longing towards yongguk. he asked himself if they were still friends after all or if yongguk had already finished with him.

they were sitting in their last school lesson before vacation. junhong peeked at yongguk sitting on the other side of the classroom next to jongup. they were both laughing and yongguk leaned his head on jongup's shoulder.

junhong looked away sadly. it really looked like yongguk didn't need him anymore. after their english teacher finally finished the lesson with

"the teacher finishes the school lesson, not the students."

daehyun and junhong left the classroom and met up with himchan and youngjae in front of the school.

"so what are you doing during this free week?," youngjae asked.

junhong and himchan shrugged while daehyun made a kinda disgusted face as if he suddenly remembered something bad.

"ugh i forgot, my parents are forcing me to go on vacation with them at a farm," he told his friends.

"oh you poor boy," himchan laughed while imagining daehyun dressed as a farmer and cleaning a byre.

"yeah i'd totally prefer staying with you guys but i have to go now. bye, have fun whatever you're doing. don't expect me to come back alive," daehyun whined and hugged the two others and gave youngjae a short kiss, then he was gone.

"so any idea what we could do during this week?," himchan asked. junhong shrugged but youngjae had an idea.

"maybe we could go to the cinema tomorrow?, " he suggested.

"yeah that's great! then let's meet there a'ight?," junhong said smiling.

"agreed, bye guys gotta go!," youngjae waved and walked away.

"there's yongguk," himchan suddenly hissed and pulled junhong into a deep kiss. as they disconnected their lips yongguk and jongup passed by and yongguk bumped totally intentional into himchan who felt down on the ground.

junhong looked at the older angrily but yongguk just smiled coldly and then he was gone. "are you okay?," junhong asked worried while helping himchan getting up. pink haired nodded and then grinned. "gosh this guy is jealous!"

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