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the next days yongguk cancelled all of their meetings which made junhong very sad. since jongup was there yongguk was always hanging around with the grey haired and didn't have any time for junhong. it was like junhong's nightmare came true.

before jongup came yongguk and junhong always did everything together but now everytime junhong asked his best friend if he had time to hang around he just got the same answer.

"i already have an appointment with jonguppie"


"jongup and me want to go have some coffee but you can join us if you want."

junhong never accompanied the two boys because he didn't want to disturb them. he just wanted yongguk to be happy even though he kinda lost his best friend.

junhong's heart hurted every time he saw yongguk and jongup together. he missed his best friend so much. the next day he sat next to the older and yongguk told him what he and jongup did together the day before.

the younger asked himself when HE and yongguk would do such things again. yongguk even asked the class teacher if he could sit next to jongup but luckily he wasn't allowed to.

junhong was really annoyed by the views both of the always changed during the school lessons. finally the lesson was over and junhong packed his things. yongguk and jongup somehow managed to already disappear without junhong noticing.

suddenly someone tapped junhongs shoulder and the blue haired turned around. it was one of his classmates named jung daehyun. the boy smiled shyly.

"heyy uhm i saw you sitting alone during break. if you want to you can join us," he said and pointed at a table. junhong was confused.

"r-really?," he wanted to know. "yes of course," daehyun replied and junhong followed him happily.

maybe he would find some other friends at this school.

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