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"y-you," junhong stuttered not knowing what to say, "but-but jongup...?"

yongguk grinned wide but also blushed.

"i wanted to make you jealous with him. i'm in love with you for quite a long time but i was too shy and dumb to say it," he answered.

"you're not dumb," junhong said and blushed too.

"but you kinda exploited jongup, didn't you?," younger criticized then.

yongguk shook his head immediately, "nono of course not he agreed to it. but whatever i'm too late anyways. as far as i know you have a boyfriend...," he sighed sadly and lowered his head.

"it's never too late," junhong smiled and came a bit closer.

yongguk looked at him in confusion.

"what do you mean?," he wanted to know.

"i-i don't have a relationship," junhong said blushing more.

"huh?" now the older was more confused than before.

"i just pretended to have a relationship with himchan because i wanted to make jealous too...," junhong murmured and hid his face behind his hands.

yongguk started laughing.

"really? did we just both try to make each other jealous??"

junhong started laughing too.

"yeah, wow how stupid are we??," he giggled.

"should we go back to the others? the film should be over now," curly haired asked.

junhong nodded.

"but first i have to ask you something," the older announced.

"tell me," junhong requested.

"do you wanna be my boyfriend?," yongguk asked.

"of course," junhong answered and smiled happily.

yongguk also grinned, "great!"

the two boys returned to the cinema hall. the film was already over but their friends were still sitting in their seats waiting for the two others.

"finally you're back! what the hell did you do?," himchan whined and stood up.

"we just talked," yongguk said.

"and fucked," youngjae added.

junhong shook his head immediately and blushed.

"of course not! why'd you think that??," he asked embarrassed.

"because you were gone for twenty minutes and it takes exactly seventeen minutes to reach an orgasm-,"

"shut up," yongguk interrupted him and they all started laughing.

even though it took a long time for junhong and yongguk to discover their feelings for each other, they were finally happy and that was all that was important right now.

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