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junhong sat down on the table next to daehyun. there were already sitting two other boys looking at him.

"hi i'm yoo youngjae," the brown haired said and smiled friendly.

the pinked haired was called kim himchan. junhong smiled and introduced himself too.

"i'm choi junhong, nice to meet y'all," he said and bowed shortly.

"nice to meet you too junhong. in which class are you?," youngjae asked politely.

"he's in my class," daehyun answered before junhong could say anything. daehyun was sitting on youngjaes lap and seemed happy.

"and why are you here?," himchan wanted to know.

"daehyun took me with him," junhong explained.

"but didn't you hang around with this bang yongguk before?," youngjae asked sceptically.

"yeah but yongguk gives a shit about me since jongup appeared," junghong said sadly and lowered his head.

"oh, relatable. at my old school it was exactly the same," himchan told compassionate.

"and what did you do?," junhong wanted to know.

"nothing," himchan laughed, "he moved with his parents and i didn't have any contact  anymore since then."

"that's indeed bad," youngest murmured.

"yeah and the worst thing was i had a crush on him," pink haired ended the story.

"do you have a crush on yongguk?," youngjae suddenly asked and junhong immediatly blushed.

"n-no! i mean... i don't know," he said.

"hmm then we have to test it. to me it always seemed like yongguk really likes you so let's try to make him jealous!," youngjae grinned.

junhong widened his eyes.

"what do you wanna do??," he asked, already being embarassed.

"uhm we'll see. i'll think about it," youngjae blinked and stood up.

junhong felt better after the break because he found someone people who were interested in him and he believed that the three boys were gonna be really good friends with him soon.

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