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junhong breathed in still shocked and pulled his hoodie hood over the head. he hoped that the two didn't notice him yet. then he slapped himchan softly on his arm.

"ouch! junhong what the hell!," the pink haired cried and looked at him offended.

"shh," the younger replied and put a finger on his lips while he pointed to yongguk and jongup. himchan's eyes widened and he quickly told youngjae. junhong carefully turned around to look at the couple again but suddenly he stared right into yongguks eyes.

junhong immediately turned to himchan again.

"channie," he whined quietly, "can we change places?"

the older sighed and nodded.

"you saved my life," junhong thanked him and sat down on himchan's old place so that his hyung was sitting next to yongguk right now.

the curly haired boy observed the whole scenario emotionless. youngjae, junhong and himchan ignored him. finally the film began and junhong could concentrate on something else than his best friend crush.

"titanic? seriously?," youngjae groaned when the film cover was shown.

himchan grinned, "why not?"

junhong kinda slept the whole film because he already watched it for many, many times. when the board started sinking he suddenly heard some weird sounds from his left. the blue haired turned his head and froze.

yongguk and jongup were making out in ONE seat. that was too much for the young boy who was now sure that he had a crush on his best friend. his heart hurt like hell and he felt sick.

"i'll be right back, i feel sick," he said quickly to his friends and ran out of the cinema hall.

how could yongguk do this in front of him? did he want to make junhong feel bad? junhong was about to cry when he reached the men toilet.

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