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junhong looked at his phone for like the hundret time in a minute and kept asking himself where his friends were. they were already late.

junhong also didn't know which film they were going to watch because himchan decided it and he wanted to keep it a secret until the film started. finally junhong heard a familar voice which was youngjae's.

the blue haired turned around and discovered his friends walking to him.

"where have y'all been? i'm already waiting for like half an hour," junhong complained and pouted cutely.

"we had a car accident," youngjae answered.

junhong raised an eyebrow, not believing the older.

"you don't have even a driver's license," he said and crossed his arms,

"tell me the truth"

youngjae sighed dramatically,

"a'ight i had to say goodbye to daehyunnie," he answered.

"yeah when if wouldn't have been there they woul've fucked," himchan said grinning.

"shut up," whined youngjae and blushed.

junhong laughed and they finally made their way into the cinema.

"which film are we gonna watch tho?," youngjae asked. himchan smiled secretly.

"still a surprise," he replied.

while himchan bought the tickets he forced junhong and youngjae to stay far away so that they couldn't peek.

"this is so stupid channie," junhong goaned and rolled his eyes.

"just trust me," the oldest said and winked.

"trust you," youngjae said definetly not convinced and they followed himchan into the cinema hall.

they sat down on their places. the three boys already bought some popcorn but however it was already half empty.

suddenly two persons sat down next to junhong. he didn't like being squashed between humans so he turned his head a little bit pissed to see who bothered him.

his eyes widened and he had to force himself not to open his mouth in shock. there were yongguk and jongup sitting right next to him.

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