Bad lip readings

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I groaned as I heard the annoying sound of my alarm go off. It was currently 7AM and I had to get up to go to work in an hour. 

"Fucking shit" I muttered as I peeled the covers off of me and made my way to the bathroom to get ready. I love my job, I really do but getting up at 7 everyday just isn't cutting it for me.

I work at a children's hospital and today a special guest is coming to visit the kiddos. Apparently it's an artist by the name of Billie Eilish. I've never heard of her but the kids are excited so I'm assuming she's good. 

"Good morning Y/N" my coworker greeted me as I walked into the building. 


"So I heard you're the one in charge of showing Billie Eilish around the hospital. Are you excited?" she asked as she looked at me with a smirk on her face.

"Well, I honestly have no idea who this Billie girl is."

Her gave me a confused look "How do you not know who she is, she literally has over 30 million followers on instagram and her songs are all over the radio!"

"Really? Maybe I've seen her or heard her songs then. Imma look her up before she gets here just in case. I'll see you later." I said as we split paths and each went into our office. 

At around 9am I got a call saying that Billie had just arrived. I had been busy with paperwork and I didn't get the chance to google her. Well shit, this is going to be awkward I thought as I walked towards the elevator. 

I was greeted by a group of people waiting by the front desk. "Good morning!" I said as I approached them. 

"Oh hey Y/N, this is Billie and her family." the receptionist said.

I quickly turned to face the people in front of me. "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N and I'm in charge of giving you the tour of the hospital as well as.." my words got caught in my throat as I made eye contact with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had black hair, amazing blue eyes, and she was wearing a royal blue outfit that was about 3 times her size but she somehow managed to still look great in. 

Quickly shaking my head I apologized and finished my sentence. "It's nice to meet you Y/N" a woman with brown hair who I later learned is Billie's mom said as she introduced herself and everyone else in the group. 

When she introduced Billie, the blue eyed girl smirked as she mumbled a quick "hey."

"Well it's great to meet you all, shall we get this tour started?" I asked as I broke eye contact with Billie and proceeded to walk towards the elevator. 


The tour of the hospital went great. Billie and her family are great people and were very respectful the entire time. 

"I believe it's time for your interview Billie." I said as I lead them to our radio room which was filled with patients. Luckily I won't be the one conducting the interview, I just get to watch. 

Billie walked in and greeted everyone and then the interviewer started asking questions. Throughout the interview, Billie and I would make eye contact which resulted in her being distracted for a few seconds before she answered.   

"Alright Billie, to finish this interview up, we're going to play a quick game." Max, the interviewer said as he gave her a set of headphones. 

Billie looked at them questioningly and waited for Max to elaborate. 

"Ally here is going to say some words to you and you have to try to figure out what she's telling you while you have the headphones on. Got it?"

"Hahaaa!" Billie laughed as she nodded and put the headphones on before covering her eyes with her hands. "All my senses are gone!" 

What I got out of this game was that Billie sucks at lip reading. She managed to get 2 words right and ended up making up some words as she went. Everyone was laughing when she couldn't get the words "oompa loompa" and instead said something along the lines of "bartle". I couldn't contain my laughter and giggled as I watched her from the door frame. 

She looked in my direction and pouted when she saw I was laughing at her. I lightly shrugged my shoulders as I mouthed an "I'm sorry" which she probably didn't even understand. I saw her eyes widen for a second before her cheeks turned a light pink. tf was that about?

"Billie Eilish everybody! Thanks for coming" Max said as he ended the interview and Billie took off her headphones. 

"Thanks for having me. Let's take some pictures before I leave yeah?" she said making everyone cheer and get in line for their pictures.

Once she took pictures with all the kids, we began making our way back to the exit. "Hey Y/N?"Billie asked as we were almost at the door.


"Sorry for waiting but do you think you could show me to the restrooms real quick?" she asked as she gave me a shy smile.  Wow this girl is beautiful. 

"sure, c'mon" I said as I began walking in the direction of the restroom. 

When we got there I opened the door for Billie with my ID card and she went in. Not even 3 seconds later the door reopened and I felt my arm being yanked. 

"Billie are you-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before I was pushed against the wall and I felt Billie's lips on mine. 

I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist as I kissed her back. We pulled away a few moments later and I was genuinely confused. 

"Not that I minded that but, can I ask what it was about?" I asked as I looked at her while keeping my arms around her. 

"Well during the game you mouthed that you were horny so I thought I'd help you a bit" she smirked as she went in for another kiss. 

Wait what

I quickly broke off the kiss before I started laughing. "Billie I never said I was horny! I said I'm sorry because I laughed at you"

A look of realization flashed across her face before she removed herself from me and covered her face with her hands.

"Bro I'm so sorry!" she said looking up at me with rosy cheeks. 

"No worries, like I said, I'm not complaining." I said as I walked up to her and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so embarrassed right now, I could have sworn that's what you said." she mumbled into my shirt.  "Let me take you out for coffee to make up for it yeah?"

"Are you asking me out on a date Eilish?" I smirked at her.

"That depends. If your answer is yes then it's totally a date but if you say no then it was just me trying to say sorry bro."

I rolled my eyes before kissing her one last time and holding my hand out. "Give me your phone"

She handed it to me and I quickly saved my number. "Now let's go, we've been in here for a while."

"wait wait wait!" she yelled as I was about to open the door. "one more kiss" 

She quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me one more time before we made our way to her family.

We all said our goodbyes as their truck pulled up to the front of the hospital. "I'll text you!" Billie yelled as she turned around and started walking towards the vehicle.

i chuckled and watched them leave before making my way back inside. 

I guess it's a good thing Billie sucks at lip reading. 

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