Billie Who?

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Billie's POV

You would think that being famous means you have a lot of friends and are always surrounded by people. To a certain extent that's true, but if you're like me, you have no friends because you don't have time for the clout chasers. Long story short, I'm lonely as fuck which is why I decided I was finally going to get out of the house and try to be normal for a day.

The only way it was going to be possible was if I disguised myself. I bought a wig online and paired it with some sunglasses and an outfit that was less baggy than usual. If I could manage to get through this shopping trip without being recognized, then I had finally found the perfect disguise.

I was walking through their selection of chips when I finally noticed the last bag of Takis at the very top shelf. I was about to climb on a shelf when I heard someone clear their throat. Looking towards the sound, I noticed it was a girl who looked about my age. Please don't recognize me.

"Do you need some help?" she asked as she saw me struggling.

I awkwardly stepped away from the shelf before answering her question. "Yeah, I was trying to get that last bag of Takis."

"I'll get them for you." she said as she approached the shelf and grabbed them with ease due to the extra 3 or 4 inches she had on me.

"Thank you so much." I grabbed them from her before throwing them in my cart.

"No problem." she smiled and proceeded to walk down the aisle.


"Stupid machine." I groaned as I tried scanning my item for the 3rd time with no success.

"Need help?" I heard the same voice from earlier ask.

"This fucking machine isn't scanning my beans bro"

The girl chuckled before coming up to me and outstretching her hand. I handed her the can and she was able to get the machine to scan on the first try.

"What the fuck man, I swear you have magic powers or something. I was trying to get it to scan for like 3 minutes and you just try once and it works."

"These self checkout registers can be pretty annoying sometimes." she said as she made her way to her own machine next to mine.

I noticed she only had 2 things, a box of popcorn and some chocolate. "Movie night?" I questioned as she finished scanning her items.

"Yes, just me and my buddy Milo." does she know who I am?!

"N-Nice, I hope you guys enjoy the snacks." I rushed out before grabbing my bags.

"I will, he can't really eat chocolate or popcorn because he'll die"

She must have noticed the confusion on my face because she clarified that Milo was her dog. She seemed to have no idea who I was so I decided maybe making a new friend wouldn't be so bad.

"Ohhh, well thank you for helping me out earlier. Can I buy you a coffee or treat you to lunch sometime?"

"You don't have to.." She paused, not knowing my name.


"Cool name, but you don't have to Billie, it wasn't a big deal." She smiled.

"I want to, not everyone goes out of their way to help a stranger."

She thought about it for a second before asking to see my phone. Once I handed it to her she put what I assumed was her phone number.

"Just text me the day before you want to hang out. I gotta go now but I hope to see you around Billie." She smiled one last time before walking towards the exit.

I looked down at my phone and saw her contact info Y/N from Trader Joes.


It's been a few weeks since the Trader Joes incident and Y/N and I have been texting nonstop. We even went to grab the coffee I promised her and she's a great person. I may or may not be developing a crush on her. She still seems to not have any idea who I am which is very refreshing. I think she might like me too but I'm afraid that once she knows who I am she'll be upset I didn't tell her anything and stop talking to me.

I was brought out of my thoughts by my doorbell ringing. Opening the door I was faced with the girl I've been crushing on for the past 2 week.

"Hey, I brought the snacks and Taco Bell." she said as she raised the bags in front of her cutely.

"Come on in. I have the movie all set up"

The only thing I could think about the entire movie was confessing my true identity to Y/N. The guilt of not being 100% honest was eating me alive and I didn't want to risk losing the chance of being more than friends with her. Maybe if I was honest she would actually want to date me instead of leaving.

"Hey Y/N?" I said once the movie was over.


I took a deep breath before speaking again. "I have something to tell you. I haven't been completely honest with you."

She looked at me confusedly before telling me to continue.

I grabbed the top of the wig and slowly pulled it off of my head.

"Oh shit" She must know who I am and probably hates me now

"I promise I was going to tell you earlier but I just-"

"thought I was going to make fun of you? I honestly think it looks badass Billie" She said as she got closer to examine my neon roots.

"Exact- wait what?"

"Your hair looks amazing, I don't know why you hide it." Holy fuck she really doesn't know who I am

"That's actually not why I wear the wig Y/N. Have you ever heard of Billie Eilish?" I questioned.

She thought about it for a second before answering. "Nope"

"What the fuck?" I pulled out my phone and started playing Bad Guy for her. "I'm sure you've heard this somewhere."

A look of realization hit her "Oh! is this a Plants vs Zombies theme song remix?! Because if it is, it's good dude"

I face palmed before trying a different technique. "Google Billie Eilish"

That seemed to do the trick because as soon as she saw a picture she turned to look at me then back to her phone.

"T-that's you."


Hello! I have reached the point where I don't know what to do with myself anymore, hence this shitty imagine. So, I apologize. Comment or message me if you're as bored as I am lol. Thanks for reading!

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