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"Do you think it's time to get Matthew a pet?" Billie asked randomly as we were laying on the couch.

"I think he's old enough already." I said as I looked at our little 3 year old who was peacefully napping on the other couch.

"I was thinking maybe a Golden Retriever, they're super gentle and fluffy."

I could tell Billie had done some research and I thought it was the cutest thing.

"Good choice babe. When he wakes up from his nap we can go see if they have any puppies at the shelter." I said before placing a kiss on top of her head.

I must've fallen asleep because the next time I woke up, Billie wasn't next to me anymore and Matthew wasn't on the other couch.

Walking towards the bedrooms I could hear them talking about something.

"Is gonna be a big doggo mommy?!" Matthew asked curiously.

"Yeah! They grow up to be big dogs bub."

"Oh wows!"

I walked in to see Matthew sitting on the bed and Billie trying to change him into a new outfit.

"Mama! We's gettin a big doggo!" He said excitedly as he extended his arms out to me.

"Oh really buddy? Do you know what kind of dog we're getting?" I asked as I picked him up.

He thought about it for a second before his face lit up. "Mommy said they're called gowden twievers!"

I turned to look at Billie and we both pouted at the cuteness of our son.

"You're so smart baby!" I said as I pinched his cheek which made him giggle.

"Are you guys ready to go?"

Once Billie nodded, we grabbed our stuff and headed towards the car. A short 20 minute drive later, we had arrived at the shelter. (I have no idea what shelters are like oops)

"Hi, we were wondering if you guys have any puppies?" I asked the girl at the front.

"Hi there! Yes we do, follow me." She said before she led us to the dog kennels.

"These are all the puppies we have right now." She said as she pointed to one that had 3 little golden retriever puppies sleeping peacefully.

"Are you guys looking for one for your son?"

"Yeah, we figured he's old enough now and I read that this bread is great with children" Billie answered as she looked at the puppies in awe.

"Should we wake him up so he can pick one?" I asked her as I looked at the sleeping child in my arms.

She nodded her head before coming up to Matthew and kissing him while she tried to wake him up.

A few seconds later, Matthew woke up and his face lit up with excitement as his eyes landed on the puppies in front of us.

"Down mama! I wanna touch em!" He said as he tried to get out if my grip.

Once they heard Matthew scream, the puppies immediately woke up and started wagging their tails.

"Hi puppies!" He said as he stuck his hand through the holes of the kennel.

"Would you like me to bring them to the play area?" The worker asked Matthew who nodded his head excitedly.

"Which one should we get?" I asked Billie as we watched our son play with the three puppies.

Billie shrugged. "I can't pick, they're all so cute!"

"Mommies! Can we get all of them?!" Matthew asked as he ran around with the puppies on his trail.

"I'm sorry buddy but we can only get one." I said which caused him to pout. I turned to Billie for backup but I sighed when I saw she had a pout of her own.

"Are we really going to get 3 puppies, Bil?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Look how happy he is! Plus, we don't want to split up the three siblings do we?" She argued.


I heard cheers coming from my wife and son before they high fived each other.

"We'll take them all." I said to the worker who then led us to fill out some paperwork.

"What are we naming them?"

"I know!" Matthew yelled before he leaned in to whisper something into my ear.

A smile spread across my face as I heard the names Matt had chosen. Billie was definitely going to love them. "Alright buddy, tell her their names."

"Ilo, Milo, and Burrito!"

notairpods gave me this idea like a month ago and I barely got around to writing it. Sowwy for the delay but I hope ya like it!

Billie Eilish ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now