4. No Drunken Fate

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"Hey Nikki. How have you been?"

I hesitated at first because first of all, why does she always have the guts to face me and look at me in the eyes like nothing ever happened to me and her bff? Or right, I shouldn't get her involved.

"Never been better, Becky." I fearlessly responded.

"So I guess you've moved on already?"

"What are you even talking about Becky?"

"Don't act like you forgot everything."

I didn't answer her because all I did is to look at her. Then suddenly-

"Hey Becky!"


Uh-oh. Not this two... Please... Not them.

Seth came near us and I don't know what to do next. A part of me wants to walk away and look for Brie but my feet doesn't cooperate. What the hell!?

"Hey... Uh, Nikki." Seth says and look at me in the eyes as well. I manage to cut off the stare and responded.

"Hi... Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to find my sister."

And as I said that, I immediately ran away, not looking back at them. I knew many of them saw the scene earlier but I don't care. I know I've moved on but every time I see Seth, why do I feel like I haven't? Yes I know there's still a mark of the past, but I managed to heal myself and come back to pieces. But every time I see him, I feel like I didn't undergone recovery. Feelings all comes back..

But no! I don't want to love him! I just hate him! And for the baby? He'll never know about it. Because if he does, I'll surely move out of the country and never show up to him. Ever.

Maybe due to over thinking, I bump into someone and fell on the ground.

"What the heck!?" I hissed.

"I'm sorry." A familiar voice said and reach out for his hand for me to take. I look up, only to see John Cena. He's wearing (like every time we go out before) a black tux.

What the heck!? The least persons I'd wanna see, made their way to finally bump into my business! Isn't that too great!

Due to anger, I push his hand and finally said the words "I can manage myself". When I stand up, I dust off my cloth and look at him.

"It's been a while, Nikki."


"How are you now?"

"That's none of your business, John. And if you'll excuse me, I need to go."

I walk almost past him when he grab my hand that made me stop. I look at him with furrowed brows.


"I've missed you... So damn much."

I look around and then, I saw Seth not far from us. He's literally looking at us with such anger in those eyes. For him to not realize I saw him, I look at John.

"Are you done!?" I coldly ask. When he finally realize what I mean, he loosen the grip to my hands and walk off.

Urgh! This two!!! Can't this night get any way better!?


After Nikki walks out on me, I look at Becky.

"So? Shouldn't you follow her?"


"Won't you go and talk to her?"

"Oh... Right..."

𝐖𝐚𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐲Where stories live. Discover now