"I love you too"

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You work in the most popular coffee place in town. Los Angeles has been your home now for a year. You got a really good job here and you're really happy.

One slow day at work a boy walks in. You're the only one here working. You look up and smile to see Robbie Kay. The actor you've loved well since forever basically. You have always known you might run into him here one day.
"Hi. What can I get you?" You say.
He sighs. "A chai latte please."
"No problem." You smile and make his drink. You take extra time doing it and being very extra to make it extra yummy.
You go over to a table where he was sitting.
After setting the cup down you quickly sit down across from him. "I just have to say.. you're amazing and you've inspired me so much. I don't even have enough words." You look into his sparkling green eyes. He smirks. Ah. That. Smirk. It makes you crazy.
Your heart jumps around in your chest.
"Thanks but I'm nothing special." He says sipping his latte.
Your eyes almost popped out of your head.
"You're so nice to your fans, you're really cute. You have good taste in music. Oh, plus your photos on Instagram are amazing. You're such a good actor. Oh, You've inspired me to become a photographer!" You smile.
He listens to you intently. "I never knew I had that much influence..."
"You do for me. 100%! You're so special. Robbie. I don't know if anyone has told you this from their whole heart but... I love you." You say. You blush and go clean up.

Before Robbie leaves he finds you by another table. He gives you a hug. "I love you too." He whispers. He kisses your cheek and leaves.

Your heart. ❤️❤️❤️

YOU + Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now