So you're single?

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"Y/N I want you to be store manager." Your boss tells you after calling you to her office. You've been working at this store you love for a year now. It's a cute store with home decor and clothes and candles and stuff. The owner is also a builder for homes and other businesses.
You're a full time student for some computer networking and stuff and you're also a skincare consultant for a wonderful company.
"Uh, wow! Thank you so much I am honored!" You say. You're thrilled. You are gonna put your all into this new job. Thankfully everyone you've worked with has been really kind to you.
You head downstairs and organize some clothes. "Excuse me?" You hear a voice say.
You look around some sweaters. "Hi!" You say a little too excited. Wow. He is super cute.
"I'm looking for a gift." He says.
"Well, you've come to the perfect place!" You say. He smiles and you take him to the candles. "These are the best candles in town." You say.
"Oh really?" He arches his eyebrow.
"Yes. What's your Name?" You ask.
"Robbie Kay." He shook your hand.
"Well I'm Y/N store manager." You say.
He looked really impressed.
"We can pick out two candles and a few other things and make a gift basket." You smile.
"Okay perfect, she'll like that." He says.
"Girlfriend?" You ask. "No my Mom." Robbie laughs. You laugh and blush.
"So you're single?" You ask.
He blushes and nods. Interesting.

YOU + Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now