It will be great.

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Part 3.
You were in the hospital in Los Angels. You moved down there so you could be with some friends. Robbie had called you a few times but had a job going on. He said he would be back shortly.
You felt so alone. You needed Robbie.
The contractions were getting worse.
You grabbed your phone.

"Robbie, you can be mad or whatever, but I really want you here. Don't you wanna see your little girl? I'm in labor. I'm at the hospital I told you about early on. Come if you want."
You hang up.

A few hours later the doctors told you to push.
Suddenly you saw someone run in.
It was Robbie. You were in a lot of pain. You screamed and then Robbie came over to your side and touched your head.
You screamed and your little girl came into the world.

Robbie left and watched them get her ready.
You rested and got cleaned up and they got her ready to give her to you. You watched Robbie. He didn't take his eyes off of the baby.
You finally get her and hold her. Robbie kneeled by you.
"I am so sorry. I'm not mad at you.." He said. "I freaked out..I don't know what to do.."
"Are you ready to be a dad? You are now..She's yours too." You say. He gulped.
"I think so, I've been thinking a lot and getting advice. I wanna start a relationship with you.. And if it doesn't work I still wanna see my daughter." He said.
"Okay, but you broke my heart..Its gonna take a lot for you to heal it. I liked you. What went wrong?" You ask.
"I got scared. I was a jerk to just leave you." Robbie said. He leaned in and kissed you gently. You smile. "I miss you." You say.
"I miss you too.." He smiled and touched the babies face.
"What's her name?" He asked.
"It's Bella." You say.
He smiled. "Can I hold her?"
You nod and let him take her.
You smile at the two.
"Get some did great." Robbie told you.
He kissed your head and you fall asleep.

A couple months later Robbie was holding Bella on the couch and talking to her.
"You know she can't talk back right?" You say putting some food on the counter.
Robbie laughed. "But she understands me."
"Yeah okay." You smile.
Things had been much better and you and Robbie were reconnecting like old days.
You go over and smile at Bella giggling with her daddy. "You're good with her."  You sit by them. Robbie kisses you. "Yeah she's great, and she tools like me." He chuckled.
"Are you sure about this?" You ask. You looked around your new big apartment. You were living there and Robbie came over a lot but didn't move in yet.
"Yes, I wanna be there for both of you. I love you.." He said. Bella giggled and smiled at you both. You smile at her. "I love you Robbie."
You kiss him.
"Everything will be great. I promise." Robbie said.

You knew it would be great.

YOU + Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now