#19 Honor and Lies

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Sky wakes up just before Ty shoves him off the bed. The assassin twists mid-air, grabbing Ty's arm. He yelps as he's dragged down along with his victim.
     "When did you decide that it's a good idea to startle a trained killer?", Sky hisses. He's landed on Ty's back, pinning him down.
     "Since I woke up before you! It's not often that I get to tease assassins", Ty snarks back. He's starting to realize that Sky won't purposely kill him with the deal that Red made.
"You're gonna regret all the snarky come backs when I start your training", Sky growls, rolling off of Ty. They both seem to be at each other's throats, but Sky can't help but feel a sense of familiarity. Ty can only be a couple years older then him. Sky's never spent so much time with anyone besides Ian, his trainer.
     "Did you forget our bet? We're both training with the troops for today", Ty says in an exaggerated sassy voice. They both have gotten up off the floor by now.
     "You're serious about that? I'd rather start your training now", Sky replies uncomfortably. Running around a training field with a bunch of stiff necked soldier's isn't exactly how he'd spend his free time.
"Oh come on. It'd help you loosen up a bit. That scary assassin act isn't fooling anyone", Ty folds his arms. Technically, that act is fooling everyone except for him.
"It's not an act, street rat", Sky instantly goes on the offensive, resorting to insults. Ty flinches the slightest bit at that. His past is why no one ever wants to be around him for long. Sky sees this, but doesn't apologize.
"Take off the cloak and scarf", the soldier says in a hard tone.
"What? Why do I have to change my clothes?", Sky frowns. He feels much safer and confident with his face covered.
"You're gonna come to the training field to see how things work, but you can't be scaring everyone away", Ty explains, "So one layer of clothing and one weapon is preferable".
     Sky hesitates. Ty lunges forward and tries to snatch away the cloak. The assassin jumps back, but Ty crashes into him and manages to pull away the cloak and scarf in the scuffle. Sky promptly shoves him back across the room. A couple knives fall from where they had been hidden in the cloak.
     "See what I'm talking about? What if you accidentally stab somebody in their left foot?", Ty huffs. He's had a bad string of luck with left foot related injuries.
     "All the more reason for people to avoid me", Sky barks back. He feels exposed with his face in plan view. The thin gray jacket that he wears under the cloak doesn't have a hood. Ty motions for the coat to go as well.
     Sky is an assassin. He could kill Ty and leave the base before anyone would even see him. He doesn't have to endure this mockery. And yet, he takes off the jacket, leaving him in just a dark tang-top and pants. More knives clatter to the floor. Adam gets his way in respecting Ty's word. It's the first time in years that Sky's let his control slip. What's causing all these sudden mistakes?
"So do you actually know how to use a sword, or just knives?", Ty continues, oblivious to Sky's quick attitude change, "Soldiers use wooden training swords in practice".
"Of course I can use a sword, idiot. What do you think I carry on my belt? Oversized toothpicks?", Sky growls out. Sky is dangerous. Sky isn't friendly. Sky is an assassin, and he never shows doubts or fears.
     "Great! Now that you're not looking so prickly, we can join the other troops in the warm up", Ty smiles. Now that he's a little more awake, Ty is looking forward to watching Sky be stuck in soldier training. It's easier to brush off the harsh comments.
The camp is bustling with activity in the morning sunlight. Sky is surprised that so many are awake. Assassins usually work on their own schedules. Ty leads the way, winding through the small buildings and other soldiers.
     Without the cloak or scarf, Sky finds himself staring at the ground and hiding his face. All the people make him extremely uncomfortable. All the weapons that he has left are the two short swords, and a few daggers in his shoes and pants. All the other tools were in the jacket.
     Why is Sky even doing this? He could easily test Ty's current skills in some other way. Then again, learning how the camp works could be beneficial. He could learn plenty of things that he's not suppose to.
     Smaller groups of soldiers practice together under their own unit leaders. The units are a lot bigger then they used to be, usually containing up to twenty people. Different units are running around the practice field or preforming various exercises. Sky would of walked away right then if Ty didn't drag him forwards.
      "We can go with Max and my old group for the day. I've even got permission from Lachlan", Ty chatters while pulling Sky. They spot the red-haired Kyladian just slowing down from running.
"What are you guys doing here?", Max asks them, panting slightly. He's already been out with the other troops for half an hour. Ty slept in just a bit.
"Ty still wants me to play soldier with all of you", Sky grumbles. "I don't really see how any of this has to do with my reason for being here".
     "Loosen up a bit! Spending some time with normal people is probably good for you", Ty wraps an arm around the assassin's neck. Sky almost breaks Ty's arm out of spite.
"Unit three, fall in!", someone yells over all the racket. Ty and Max react immediately, moving over between two sets of poles in the ground. The other unit members join them in a straight line. Sky awkwardly steps to stand between Ty and Max. Everyone staring at him is almost worse then whatever this unit leader is yelling about.
The unit leader starts going down the line, checking to see who's all here. It's important that none of the troops under their command have skipped the morning drills. They stop in front of Sky with a raised eyebrow.
      "I know Max is here on the General's orders, but what are you two doing?", the unit leader asks them, mostly looking at Sky. Only the Captains and unit leaders know about the assassin in their midsts, and it makes most a little uneasy.
"Sky is assessing my skills by running through a normal day. I even got the go ahead from the General", Ty explains, not hiding his obvious smirk. He finds it funny to get on the unit leader's nerves one last time.
"Just don't get into trouble. And keep your friend in line", the unit leader motions to Sky. The assassin isn't too pleased with that.
"Aren't I already standing in your stupid line? Or would you rather I be at your back", Sky cocks his head with an innocent expression. He briefly
remembers seeing someone else use the look.
     The unit leader grimaces and continues down the line. They don't want to alert the rest of the troops to their unease.
The training for soldiers and assassins couldn't be more different. Assassins usually train one apprentice at a time, but soldiers practice in large groups. The regular exercises like running laps and push-ups were only uncomfortable for Sky with all the people.
     The drills were even more annoying to him. Standing in different formations and holding a toy sword really grates on his nerves. The troops went half the day before even practicing with weapons.
     Sky can't help but think back to his days in training. Ian is a lot different then the unit leader. He didn't balk at completely humiliating Sky at every turn, or giving him some good cuts and bruises. Some of these soldiers may greatly benefit without all the coddling. Doing your best isn't always good enough.
The assassin shifts away from other people when they get too close. It amazes him that the soldiers chat so much between movements. Sky was almost always silent during his training. Talking would of made Ian throw him off a roof or something similar.
Most of the soldiers have noticed the stranger by now. Without all his extra clothing, none of them have connected him to the event from the other night. All they know is that Sky is acting antisocial and skittish. They still tried to talk to him.
     "Hey, did you just join the army from the underground base?", a girl leans over to ask Sky after they both had shifted in the formation. Most were easy to pick up, and Sky would always self-correct.
     "Are you wanting me to say yes?", Sky looks away with a glower. He's not interested in socializing with anyone else. He won't ever interact with them again after today. The soldier scoots away a bit.
     "So you duel wield? Those swords are really neat", someone else tries. The assassin never took off his curved short swords.
     "Nice and sharp, too. It'd be pretty bad if one slipped out of the sheath", Sky replies. He didn't even bother looking at them that time. It's good for them to stay away. When people get close to Sky, they die. Even before he was an assassin.
     Paired practicing was next. Soldiers would rotate on the training field with who they would fight with wooden swords. A tap at the neck, stomach, or dominant wrist is worth a point. Sky thinks they're all idiots. There are a lot more ways to kill or incapacitate someone.
Sky does not fight like a soldier. When his opponent cam at him with the wood sword, Sky twisted out of the way and kicked their leg in. They crumpled to the ground like a sack of bricks.
The unit leader was upon him in seconds. Sky left a deep yellow and purple mark on the soldier's thigh, something that was definitely not permitted. He could of fractured bone if he kicked any harder. Wounding your teammates isn't the best strategy.
A soldier's battle style relies more on form and opponent analyzation then an assassin's. Where Sky is speed and foul play, a soldier is steady and straight forward with their actions. This type of combat lies on the very fringes of Sky's mind. It takes a few humiliating losses, but the basic forms soon come back to him. The assassin even starts to enjoy the smoother practice.
"I thought it was kinda cool how you kicked that guy, but I'd never want to fight you for real", the soldier chuckles as Sky blocks his swipe. They had brown hair and blue eyes, almost the same height as Sky.
"I didn't really mean to kick him so hard. Tell him I'm sorry if you see him, alright?", Adam smiles in sympathy and embarrassment, "I'm not used to fighting like this, but it sure does bring back some good memories".
Sky's entire body shutters to a stop. His opponent didn't expect the sudden stop, and their practice sword slams into the side of the assassin's face. Sky stumbles away and drops his own sword.
What happened? It's like he blacked out for a few seconds. A few blurry images cloud Sky's mind as he stumbles off the trading field. All the soldiers pause to watch him in confusion. The assassin ends up ducking behind a small building before falling down, tightly griping his head with one hand.
"Sky! Sky, What's wrong? Are you ok", Ty spews out, truning the corner and dropping down next to the assassin. Sky shoves him away and abruptly stands up.
    "Get off me. This isn't a petting zoo", he snaps. He brushes the dirt off his clothes as Ty gets up. Sky has a large bruise already forming, covering the entire left side of his jaw. Wood still hurts when you swing it hard enough.
     "That looks terrible! We have some doctors in the camp that can give you a cream for that. But what happened back there? You totally freaked out-", Ty keeps rapidly speaking despite Sky's mood. He only stops when interrupted.
     "I'm fine! No doctor. Nothing's wrong", Sky growls, glaring. He's in no mood to be touched or even spoken too.
     "But you're face-", Ty tries to argue.
     "Drop it. You training starts tomorrow", the assassin storms off, hitting Ty with his shoulder on the way. Sky is dangerous. Sky isn't friendly. Sky is a murderer. He tells himself this over and over in an attempt to make it real.

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