#58 Battle in the Streets

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Captain Mitch was deployed with his group in the first wave. Jerome, of course, came with him, but Mitch was surprised when three other Baccas asked to join their group. It seems Jerome has impressed a few of them. His soldiers give the hybrids strange looks, but Mitch treats them just like he would anyone else.
"That's everyone. Come on, we're heading from here back to the main gate. The walls need to be dealt with even if we are inside", the Captain says.
     "That's where most of the troops are. I think Dan has already gotten the GoldenWings to warn the people", Jerome nods his head in agreement. The other Baccas curiously watch the two interact. They've never seen a human and a hybrid work so well together. They're like two gesrs in the same machine.
     The Piscus know the GoldenEye soldiers are there now, but they have no idea where they're all coming from. It isn't long before Mitch's group runs into a squid patrol unit.
     Mitch, an arrow already notched in his bow, fires before switching to a sword. Speed and surprise are a deadly mix. Jerome runs past him and smashes into the enemy ranks. Mitch is a few steps behind with the rest of his troops just spurring into action.
     The Captain blocks one blade, and uses it to push back his attacker and make them stumble. Jerome whirls around on the squid and uses both hands to bring his axe down hard on their shoulder. Mitch darts behind Jerome at the same time and slices another squid who was going for the Bacca's unprotected back.
     The patrol didn't stand much of a chance once the other hybrids got involved. One of the squids turns to run, and Mitch chases after them without thinking. Jerome might have shouted at him, but he's zoned in on the next target.
Mitch turns the corner of a building and runs a little further. He's confused when he can't see the Piscus, but still determined to catch them. He doesn't see the sword blade flash out of the broken window until he's barreling right into it. The blade is level with his neck, and there's no way Mitch could of stopped in time.
Someone grabs the back of his shirt collar and yanks Mitch back, dragging him off his feet. The Captain can only make out a brightly colored tie and a flash of sunglasses before he hits the ground flat on his back. When Mitch scrambles back up, the stranger is gone.
Jerome turns the corner in time to see the Piscus running back out of the building, and he throws his axe. It buries itself in the squid's back and they go down.
"Mitch, are you ok? I thought that I saw something behind you", Jerome looks around with a low growl. He only saw it for a second before he turned the corner.
"Yeah, I'm fine", Mitch is a little stunned at the close call. Who was that? Where'd they disappear to so quickly? "Thanks for covering me".
"Of corse. I'll always have your back", Jerome smiles a little before retrieving his axe. The rest of the group catches up shortly, and one of the Baccas turn to give Jerome a curious look.
"How do you fight so well with a human? You could easily break its bones", the girl is genuinely curious, but doesn't really see Mitch as an equal, Captain or not.
"Mitch? He's my brother. We grew up together. We trust each other with our lives", Jerome is the confused one when the girl practically ignores Mitch. He slings and arm around the Captain's shoulders for emphasis.
"You haven't given me a broken bone yet; not even when I chipped your old axe", Mitch has been trying to give Jerome space to decide what he wants, but Mitch is happy to show off their friendship in front of the hybrids.
"Strange. Most humans just want to take our fur to make coats", the female Bacca shrugs. Mitch and Jerome exchange wide eyed looks.
With that demented thought, the mission continues.


     Lachlan's heart is pounding like a drum, no, more like an entire heavy metal band. This plan has to work. This is the biggest battle he's fought in years. It's probably the last one, too. One of the rulers have to fall before the day is out.
There's a million things the General could be doing. All the troops already have their orders, but he still could be helping them along. Some things are just more important.
After a few minutes of searching, Lachlan finds Vikk sitting against a wall in a corner of the church. He smiles when he sees Lachlan.
     "I am never flying with two moody Caelum ever again. Even if the entire world is burning, that hell was worse", Vikk is still a little annoyed that he had to tag along with the scouting party.
"Yeah, Yeah, I get it. I'm the bad guy. Are you alright?", Lachlan pulls Vikk up to his feet. He was definitely not worshiping the solid wood floor.
"I'm fine", Vikk sighs, "What about you? Don't you have some mission to lead? Has Adam left yet?
"Adam's team is gone with the GoldenWing. I'm leading a group in the second wave. The first needs to reach their targets before we leave", Lachlan explains.
Prince Adam is heading to the castle, but the rest of the troops are organized into groups and waves. Mitch, Jordan, and Robin are in some of the first groups. Lachlan, Alister, and Lyssa are in the second. Their are also unit leaders with groups, not to mention all the hybrids running around.
They all have to buy Prince Adam some time. If the Piscus King escapes, he could rally his troops elsewhere and set up a proper defense. Their best chance is to catch him off guard.
"Come on, then. I'm sure the second wave is already ready. It wouldn't look good for the General to be late to his own battle", Vikk laughs a little.
     "Don't remind me. I'm looking forward to my retirement after all this is over", Lachlan groans. In the end, he's still just another human, even if he is a General. Work sucks.
     Lachlan and Vikk meet up with their assigned group and quickly leave the church. The immediate area has already been secured. The second wave is more for damage control then anything else. No Piscus can be allowed to slip through. It's surrender, or death.
     At first, everything is really quiet. Lachlan tries to keep his groups quiet as they fan out. He falters a step when he sees a little girl peering at him from a window. She's pulled back by someone inside, and the window is covered up by a curtain.
     There are real people living in this city. After years of outrageous taxes and cruel treatment, there's suddenly a lot of hope floating around.
     Lachlan will not let that hope be in vein. For Preston, for Rob, and for everyone he who has died for the cause, he will give it his all. He will avenge them.
     Lachlan is knocked out of his thoughts, and knocked off his feet, when something jumps off a roof and tackles him. Needle-like claws burry themselves his his shoulder as they tumble. They're dangerously close to his neck. The General pushes and kicks at his attacker.
     "Lachlan! Stay low!", Vikk shouts at the Gernal when he sees what's going on, running forwards. Lachlan drops his arms and legs even as sharp teeth snap for his throat.
     Vikk barrels into the two, ramming his shoulder against the enemy. The go skidding off of Lachlan and leave scratches in the dirt. Lachlan jumps up and draws his sword. The rest of his group is coming up beside the two.
       Without the threat of getting his face chewed off, Lachlan finally get a good look at his attacker. He doesn't need to see their amber eyes to know that they're a hybrid. What does shock him is their splotchy blue skin.
     The hybrid is definitely part Piscus, but they have the sharp teeth and claws of a Bacca. The boy has thick brown hair that looks like it trails all the way down his neck and spine. A metal is collar is locked around his neck with a broken chain dragging beside. He's a squid number, just like Quinten, but he can't be much older then eleven or twelve. It breaks Lachlan's heart in two.
     The squid number is cornered now with a brick wall at his back. He hisses and spits at the GoldenEye soldiers like an animal.
     "Hey, you're a squid number right? What is your number?", Lachlan crouches down and motions for his unit to move back. Vikk is the only who doesn't back away like ordered.
That makes the number pause for a moment, but he snarls when Lachlan comes a little closer. This is what he's suppose to be doing, right? It's what the adult wants. The squid number is sure that he's suppose to be hurting the humans in yellow.
"Do you know anyone named Qui- uh, Four? He's one of you, right? A sorcerer? He's helped heal and protect a lot of my friends", Lachlan tries to come up with something that the kid will relate to.
"Four's here?", that grabs the boy's attention. Quinten has always been the most respected of the number's with his powerful magic. If Four is helping humans, does that mean he's on the good side?
     "I know it's scary, but you don't have to fight", Lachlan keeps talking even as a little blood is staining his shirt. The kid's claws sunk pretty deep. Nothing fatal. "Can you tell me your number?".
      "Eight. I'm Eight", the kid sniffles a little before he starts crying. He's in a strange place with a bunch of adults yelling all the time, and he can't figure out what he's suppose to be doing. Piscus or not, he's still just a kid.
     Lachlan is finally able to get close to the hybrid. Eight attacked him out of fear before, but now he just latches onto Lachlan's leg and cries.
      "Ok, someone needs to take him back to the church", the General addresses his group. This kid is scared, not dangerous.
To his surprise, one of the soldiers immediately volunteer to take him. It's a little dangerous to go alone, but the soldier still scoops the squid number up in their arms. Eight buries his head in the crook of their neck. He probably doesn't ever remember being held.
"Damn. This is the kind of thing we're suppose to be stopping, right?", Vikk watches the two go. He's just as upset about the situation and Lachlan is.
"This war has to end. There's so many people that have suffered", Lachlan's mumbling is only loud enough for Vikk to hear.
Lachlan was already a soldier, but Eight was born into this mess. None of it's his fault. It's just like Adam. There are so many young kids fighting their parent's war, and for their parent's reasons.
Any Piscus younger or a little older then Adam wouldn't even care how this war started. They just fight because that's what their parents did. The cycle is pushed onto all the new recruits that Lachlan trains.
Something has to end it, or this fierce hatred will destroy both races.

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