#55 Pirate Allies

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Miles away from the capital, GoldenEye's only major port is in complete chaos. The island has about 40 Kyladian soldiers fending off the Piscus. That's enough.
Kyladians usually have broad shoulders, tower over the Zemrlt, and have the strength of an oxe. They're hard to kill, too. A wound that would kill a hybrid or human would just be an inconvenience to them. A Kyladian can live through almost anything.
     Max is being pushed right into the middle of this mess, although, he has to admit that most of it is his own fault. He didn't have to send letters back to his Kyladian father, but he did. It was totally unnecessary to spy on his friends, but he did. At least a little good has come out of it.
Kyladia hasn't ever made much contact with the rest of the world. Max was the first to reach out, and finally got a Kyladian ship to take back a message.
     The war was already going on at that point, and Max now knows that his father only wrote back because he wanted the information. He probably didn't even know he had a son. Either way, Max didn't think it was anything but gossip..... at first.
     His questions got more and more specific as Max's training in the army improved. His dad talked about his own experiences in training, and Max was eager to prove himself. He still didn't see what his father really wanted.
And then the castle fell to the Piscus. Max didn't get anything from his father until a letter was hidden in his camp. He briefly served as a Captain, and it was shocking to know that Kyladia had a spy right in camp.
Max's father promised aid for the soldiers if Max stayed quiet about their communications. Kyladia would come if the GoldenEye soldiers ever seemed to get the upper hand.
     Max tried to keep the reports brief, but he did give out a lot of information and betrayed Lachlan's trust in him. He deserves to be called a traitor.
And then Ross disappeared. It shattered Max so badly that he resigned as a captain shortly after. He didn't answer Kyladia's letters for years.
     Max only started writing again when he got a special mission from General Lachlan. He had a crazy plan to train loyal not assassins to have a specialized unit. The squids wouldn't see it coming.
He knew by then that his dad had been squeezing information out of him, but if there was a chance to earn an ally for GoldenEye, Max had to try.
He got what he asked for. Max's dad sailed around the continent to attack the island with only one ship of soldiers. Now, they just want to sit here and reap the rewards.
With Ross gone to deliver the message, Max feels very out of place. Not even his mom's home cooking can make him feel better. She doesn't want anything more do to with Kyladian men, and hasn't talked to his dad at all.
"So what is it? Why did you want me hear?", Max isn't very warm while his father stares him down. The two are sitting in what used to be the island's meeting hall. Nothing but a small desk separates the two men.
In Kyladia, names are a lot stranger then even Liblicen's. Max has a hard time remembering more then a few of them. His father's full name is 'Prey bird that Stalks Waves'. His most loyal soldiers call him Hawk.
     Hawk is only a little taller then Max, but there's a few silver strands in his otherwise black hair. His long trench coat and curved sword make him look..... well, like a pirate. Max isn't too sure at this point that he was even sent by Kyladia's monarchy.
     "Your islanders aren't being very appreciative of our help", Hawk's voice is deep like a low rumble. "Apparently, they want you to speak with me about it". He taps his fingers on the table.
     That part is strangely true. Max wasn't well liked when was growing up here, but everything is different now. Max has one foot in GoldenEye, and a birthright in Kyladia. He might be the only one keeping the island somewhat calm.
     "Well, maybe if your crew wasn't filling taverns and brawling in the streets, we wouldn't have so many problems", Max replies bitterly.
     "Don't Forget that you're the one who asked for my help. If your runt of a brother comes back with bad news, I'll be gone soon enough", Hawk shows no aggression, and even puts his feet up on the desk and leans back on his chair.
     "Don't talk about Ross like that", Max growls. He has less of a hold on his temper. "You're here to fend off the squids, not drink and vandalize my home".
     "What? No love for your old man?", Hawk laughs. The grizzly sailor sits back up and opens the drawer on the desk. "Do you care for a drink? This is the war's end. Wether the reward comes from GoldenEye or the Piscus, you and I should enjoy this place before it's gone. It really is a lovely port, Tanager".
     Kyladian families often have patterns in their names. Max's is birds, apparently. In all his letters, Hawk called Max 'Bird who fights as two'. A tanager is a bird with red and black markings. It represents violence.
"You really don't care who wins this war, do you?", Max grinds his teeth at the name. It pisses him off even more because it's so fitting.
     "It doesn't effect me in any way", Hawk shrugs. He pours himself a glass of something that makes Max want to gag, the strong scent not affecting Hawk at all. Max doesn't even react when the sailor pours another.
     "I thought that you wanted to use GoldenEye's rivers for trade?", Max pushes the glass away.
     "Why would I want to go trade somewhere that I've never been? You don't think I'm not already using the rivers, boy? It would just be a little cheaper if it was legal", Hawk downs his shot in one swallow.
"So you are pirate", Max looks Hawk up and down again, "You and men don't look like any soldiers I've ever seen".
"Pirate is a pretty loose term. Things work differently in Kyladia. Our army is much smaller then your's or Liblicen's. The King gives me work when he has it, but I have other..... responsibilities on the side to make ends meet", the sailor narrows his gaze a little. Tanager is a little too judgmental for his taste.
     The two sit in silence after that. The atmosphere is as sharp and dense as a bag of nails. Max is too hotheaded and stubborn to break the silence first. All he wants is for Hawk to take the situation more seriously. This isn't some kind of vacation for his crew.
     "So how's your mother?", Hawk's next words make Max want to strangle him. If looks could kill, he'd be your worse nightmare.
     "You have no right to ask that!", Tanager slams his fists on the table, "You lost that a long time ago when you left her. Don't you DARE go near my mother!"
"Well don't go sobbing to me! It's not like I went out my way to avoid you and Tesse. I sailed here all the time. The last time we talked is when she started dating that spineless whelp".
     "You're lying! I was ten when Mom started dating. I would remember if you'd been there!", Max snaps back, even angrier.
"Is that so, Tanager? Let's say that I was there, and I did visit Tesse every time I docked, and did want to see you. Do you think any mother in her right mind would want a pirate father sweeping her child away to Kyladia? What would my eight year old son want? To stay on GoldenEye's island, or sail out to sea? Hmm? It doesn't seem like a very fair choice", Hawk's voice goes bitter, but it's not quite hatred.
He could never hate Tesse for trying to keep Tanager out of trouble. Hawk's lived a tough life. He's worked the ocean ever since he was a boy, and it's the only life he knows. He's pretty sure that he's wanted under different names in three of Liblicen's cities. Who would want to drag a child into all of that? It is better this way.
Max's anger fades a bit as he thinks on that. He hated being stuck on the island. If Ross wasn't there for him to watch over, he would have left long before joining the army. If he grew up with monthly visits from Hawk, he would have went with him. There's no denying that.
"Do...... do you any other children?", Max eventually asks. It's not a question that he thought he'd ever know. Does he have more half siblings then just Ross?
"No. I don't have any kids except for you. God, I don't understand those couples who have ten or more demons running around", it's the first time that Hawk has tried to joke with Max. The truth is out now, so he doesn't have to be as cold. He pours himself another glass, and Max hesitantly takes his untouched one. It still smells horrible.
"What even is this stuff? It's practically burning my eyes", Max scrunches up his face as he swishes the dark liquid around.
"Only Kyladian's finest! You should try it, Tanager. Not everyone has the stomach for it, but that's what makes it so good", Hawk smirks and drinks his glass.
It must not be so strong if he can drink it like that. Max tips his head back, chokes, and nearly spits is right out. Way too strong. It burns his throat way worse then it did his eyes. He coughs as Hawk cackles.
"I think I'm gonna puke", Max's tongue feels numb.
"That's what they all say, right before they come back for more. I bet your late King even paid for some of this stuff", Hawk is smiling before he becomes more serious. "And I know my ship boys are running a bit wild. I'll have a talk with 'em. And I'll set up a watch rotation like you wanted. Piscus are stupid. They might try again".
"Thank you, Hawk", Max isn't very used to thanking people, and stumbles over his words, "For coming here....... and helping".
"Think nothing of it. As far as you know, this is all for my own benefit. I do have a reputation to uphold, you know", Hawk says. He's actually pretty happy to meet the one behind the letters, even if he was getting a lot of good information.
The two birds finally have a connection, as strange as it might be. They've both walked down very different paths that put them both back in the same place. Fate likes to have things her own way.

     For more information on Hawk, refer to part three of 'Traveler's Journal'

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