#59 Battle of Kings

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     Adam didn't know what to expect in the throne room, but it wasn't this. King Salaris is waiting for him right in the middle of the room.
The throne room is smaller then the ball room below, but the walls are covered in tapestries and artwork. The main doors are opposite the empty throne with four smaller doors between. It seems so empty with just the two of them in there. Adam remembers it being so full of life when he was young.
The Piscus King is standing closer to the thrones, wearing a helmet and tightly clutching a sword. None of his skin is showing in such an outfit. It has to be the King since he's wearing such an ornate helmet. Silver and gold etchings curl up the sides. Adam can't even see their face since the helmet only shows the king's deep blue eyes.
     "An assassin? They sent an assassin to kill a king?", the squid's voice is muffled behind the helmet. He's ready for a fight.
   The king can't tell who Adam is when's he's all dressed up in his assassin garbs. A black scarf even covers everything below his eyes. This is Adam's environment now, and his fighting style.
"You aren't really as kingly as I expected, either", Adam snarks back. The Piscus King is shorter then Adam, for one.
The two are slowly circling each other now. There's no doubt that one of them has to die here. The war's lasted too long for it to end on friendly terms.
"So how does it feel to have an entire nation hate you? You've done horrible things to my people, and it's time that you pay for it", Adam doesn't know why he's continuing to talk, but now that it's time, starting the battle doesn't seem....... right? It's infuriating!
The prince has always trusted his instincts ever since he became an assassin. He's killed many men, even innocent ones. So why is his gut yelling at him for trying to kill such a cruel king? It makes no sense. Adam has to kill this squid, and he will. At the right time.
"I- uh, I have done only what is necessary", for whatever reason, King Salaris stumbles and depens his voice. Is he trying to be intimidating? It's not working.
"Necessary? Necessary!? Tell that to all the noble house you slaughtered! What about all the slaves who died in the old mines!". Damn gut feelings! Adam is starting to really get pissed off.
"The Lords made their choice. I offered them all mercy. They were the fools", the squid king speaks again in that deepened voice, but it doesn't sound sincere. Is this a joke to him? They've been slowly tightening their circle, and now there is less then 15 feet between the two fighters.
"Your mercy isn't worth anything. You killed my entire family! I should hunt down your entire family and do the same!", Adam is fighting his instinct and gearing up for a charge. All can think about now is that blue eyed boy who haunts his nightmares. He's dead now, and it's all the king's fault.
"Oh yeah! What a joke. Family is meaningless! I bet they all had plans to get rid of an assassin like you. You should be glad that I killed them for you", the king dropped the fake voice, now whining at Adam like a child.
That did it.
     Adam's body language gives no warning when he bolts forwards and swings one of his swords. King Salaris is lucky to have even blocked the blow in time. Adam swings his other seconds after, and the squid jumps back to avoid it.
The prince recklessly attacks again, mad at the squid for insulting his family and mad at himself for wanting to hesitate. The king blocks both of his swords, and to Adam's surprise, kicks out at his knees. Kings aren't suppose to fight dirty like assassins.
Adam backs up a step while Salaris is unbalanced. He lunges to the side and cuts for the king's stomach. They grab Adam's arm and shove him away so that the blade barely grazes his shirt.
The king jabs his sword out and thinly cuts Adam's shoulder as he's ducking. The squid is a much better fighter then the prince thought. Still, Adam manages to slice their thigh before the two split apart.
"To be honest, I was expecting some kind of poison dart by now", Salris huffs.
"You're playing pretty dirty yourself. Where's all that soldier honor when you need it?", Adam replies sarcastically, panting.
"Honor means nothing to an assassin. Why would you care?", the king darkly chuckles. Even as they fight to the death, something else is slowly rising to the surface.
"Fair point", Adam shrugs a little, but then he goes in for another strike.
He faints to the left, but switches to the right with his other curved sword. King Salaris recognizes the move and slams his shoulder into Adam before he gets cut. The prince loose his grip on one of the swords in the confusion.
"That wasn't very fair! You almost got me, too. I won't loose, got that?", Salaris snarls and kicks the sword away.
"Well you're not gonna win! Better get use to it now", Adam throws back. This seems familiar somehow, but he's pretty sure that he' never tried to kill a Piscus King before. Some memory threatens to take over his vision, but Adam does his best to block it out.
For everyone who has died, Adam has to kill this squid. It's the entire point of this attack! The war will end, and everything can get back to the way it's suppose to be. Adam's never even lived in a time without turmoil.
Adam comes in close again and kicks out at the squid's knee. Salaris moves just enough so that Adam's foot misses. The king tries to hit Adam with the pommel of his sword at such a close range, but the prince ducks and rams his elbow up into the squid's throat. He stumbles back while choking a little, but quickly flies back on the offensive.
     Salaris slashes at Adam, but he blocks it and steps back. The prince only realizes what he's doing a few minutes later. Swing, block, step. Swing, block, step. The two match each other blow for blow. This is one of GoldenEye's training routines. The king follows the pattern and doesn't try to push the attack. This is turning into more of a sparing match then a battle to the death! Why is it so hard for Adam to fight full out?
     The prince finally breaks the pattern when he skips to the side and then swings his sword. Salaris jumps back and brings his foot down on Adam's sword before he can move it.
Adam, breaking every rule that Ian gave him, actually lets go of his sword and ducks under Salaris's blade. He then grabs the king's wrist and pulls back his arm until he has to drop his own sword.
Salaris punches Adam straight in the face with his other hand. The prince stumbles back, and the king slams his shoulder into Adam and knocks them both over.
     Adam didn't realize that they were so close to the throne until the two of the crash into it, shattering the wooden back. Adam gets the wind knocked out of him as Salaris rolls off him. The throne had some sort of hollow space underneath the seat, and now there's bunch of old documents all over the floor.
     Adam doesn't care. Still dazed, he flips over and pounces on the king. Salaris is the one to get punched in the face this time. Adam's knuckles bruise painfully from hitting the helmet. He has to get it off.
     Salaris scratches wildly at Adam's face, and gets his fingers under the scarf just as Adam pulls at the edge of the helmet. Adam rips the helmet away and lunges back and onto his feet. His scarf is pulled off as Salaris does the same.
     Adam is bleeding from his shoulder, while the squid has a nasty cut to his thigh. They both have many bruises from the brawl and smashing into the throne. Adam stares, panting and watching the squid.
     It's the first time that he's seen their face. The Piscus King......... no, not a king. He can't be King Salaris. Without his helmet, it's easy to see how splotchy their skin is.
Adam's opponent is only half squid. He has black hair and blue eyes, but the only blue skin on his face is a patch around his left eye and creeping up his neck. He's studying Adam with just as much disbelief.
     It's all so familiar.......  When was the last time Adam saw someone with those blue eyes? He can't block out the memory quickly takes over his vision.
Swing, block, step.
"Slow down! You're swinging too fast!", nine year old Adam struggles to get his wooden sword up in time.
     "Well you should block faster! Preston doesn't swing slow when he spars", the other boy huffs, letting his practice sword drop.
     He has deep blue eyes and black hair that contradicts Adam's brown eyes and hair. His skin is also very pale. The raven haired boy wears a shirt with a collar that covers his neck and a pair of gloves. They were born a few months apart, but have never thought to really question it before.
     "Oh yeah! Well Preston said he was going to teach me his spinny move. Watch this Kyler!", Adam lifts up his sword and spins around, whacking the other boy across the face on accident. He yelps, dropping his wooden sword and rubbing his cheek.
     "Mom said that we couldn't hit each other!", Kyler wines and tries not to cry at the sting. He rubs at his cheek again.
     "Sorry! I'm sorry. I didn't mean it", Adam drops his own sword in guilt. He pulls Kyler's hands away from his face. Adam didn't think that he hit hard enough for there to be a bruise, but Kyler has a blue patch of skin right underneath his left eye.
     "Boys! How many times down the Queen have to tell you to behave?", a servant, who was watching the boys in the court yard, is quick to intervene. She takes one look at Kyler before her face turns white.
     "Come on, dear, we're going to your room to fix that", she takes Kyler's hand to lead him away.
     "But I'm fine! It doesn't even hurt that much", Kyler complains, but eventually lets the woman take him away.
     Adam guiltily watches them go. He looks down at his hands, only to see some sort of white powder on his fingers from where he touched Kyler's face. He quickly forgets about it when he remembers that  the cooks are trying a new cake recipe in the kitchen.

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