#18 Welcoming Party

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The General always seems to be thinking ahead. Lachlan learned much from Rob before he died. Rob's way of planing and thinking always confused Lachlan, but now he finds himself often thinking of what his late unit member would do in different situations.
     Being the General is a lot more stressful then Lachlan first thought. He didn't expect a cake walk, but without a king, everyone is depending on him for victory. All the lives of the troops rest heavily on his shoulders.
     Lachlan was a just an ordinary soldier before all of this. Even if many were killed in the attack, he thinks of himself as least qualified for the position. Soldiers who out ranked him were made Captains instead of General after those first couple years.
For the first two or three years, it was more about surviving then fighting. This is one of the longest wars in recorded history, and only because they have hidden so well.
The squids are starting to get desperate. They can't have full control over the people when everyone knows that the army is still fighting; still resisting. One of the sides have to make a move before the tension explodes into something terrible. That's what Lachlan plans to do with a new kind of hidden troop. If it works for camps, it should be easier with individual people.
     In truth, Lachlan needs Ty to become the equivalent of a Deader, but loyal to the army. Assassins could never be trusted to join this war with so little gain. A few white lies were needed to convince the Captains. A few months maybe, and Ty could teach more soldiers how to move like an assassin. Another year means nothing to this 21 year war.
     Mitch built his mental walls against their past, but Lachlan can't ignore the turmoil stirring in his mind. It's all he can do to keep it together on the outside. All six of them had families as well as each other. Only two are accounted for.
     Lachlan is fighting for all the nameless soldiers who have fallen before his eyes. How many people have lost just as much as him? The squids have to pay for all the blood they've spilt. Lachlan is seeking to avenge them all.  Especially his late unit members.
     The General has been sitting just outside the camp since noon. Drills and camp duties have gone on as normal, the four Captains returning to the other camps. Lachlan has been left alone besides a few issues that Mitch would of dealt with. Time passes slower while he stares out at the forest. It's nearly sunset.
     This is the General's gamble. Success or failure depends on his luck. The assassins could of refused to participate. The army doesn't have much to offer in terms of payment.
     Distant hoofbeats make Lachlan straighten up from where he had been slouching against a tree. Definitely more then one, but not enough to be an attacking force. The horses quickly become visible from flashes through the trees. Lachlan smiles when he sees Barney riding up in the front.
"How longs have you beens sitting there!?", Barney shouts while slowing down his horse. The noble is glad to see that Lachlan stuck around.
"I hadn't been out here that long at all. How'd the mission go?", Lachlan asks him. Before Barney says anything, Sky takes that as his cue. The assassin slides off his horse with Sub a step behind.
"I assume that you're the infamous General that I've heard so much about?", Sky looks him up and down, "I though you'd be shorter". That makes Lachlan laugh. He's taller than the rest, but Max is the closest.
"So you're both assassins? I'll speak to you tomorrow since it's pretty late, just don't kill anyone before I can set some ground rules", Lachlan's a little surprised with two of them, "For now, I have shelter set up for you and Barney on the edge of camp". Sine Max's not a Captain anymore, Lachlan wants to keep him in Ty's old position.
He looks up to Barney while talking. Doing so also let's him see Mitch on his horse, but there's also someone else behind him. Lachlan freezes in place with wide eyes.
"So, we're just gonna give you three some space. Meet up for breakfast?", Ty hurriedly says, getting the rest of the group to also move into camp. The last three are left staring at each other.
Lachlan moves enough to cover his mouth with one hand. Even after nine years, he would recognize his unit members in a heartbeat. Vikk seems just as emotional as Lachlan.
     Mitch has his walls built up. He was overjoyed and shocked to find Vikk, but it barley shows. Lachlan has no such mental restraints.
"I thought you were dead", Lachlan mumbles, still in shock. The other two have dismounted at this point. Vikk had been the General's partner in their unit, so it only makes sense that it hits them both harder.
      "I didn't stop looking for you guys, I swear it", Vikk starts to tear up, standing in front of Lachlan, "After I got separated, one of the prisoners from the wagon found me. They're one of the assassins that came back with us".
     Lachlan's frozen stance finally breaks. Tears start falling down his face as the two pull in for a hug. Both of them are crying, but thankfully not full out sobbing. Mitch feels awkward with the display and looks at his feet. It reminds him of Jerome.
     "I've done some bad things, Lachlan", Vikk scrunches up his eyes. The soldier has seen the worst of humanity in the last nine years, and has caused much grief himself.
"None of us are even close to saints", Lachlan replies, thinking of the blood on his own hands. Many troops under his command have died under his orders. Are the two scenarios really so different?
It takes a few minutes for the three to calm down enough to head into the camp. It wouldn't be good for Mitch to drag the General through the camp while he's crying his eyes out. That's not a very good example for the troops.
It had been a long and taxing day for all parties. Lachlan was more then ready to simply sleep knowing his unit members were nearby, but that's not the case.
Shouting makes the General look to Mitch before all three break into a run. Can't an army camp have one day of peace? Over a hundred men in close proximity to one another tends to cause a lot of problems. Many which involve pride more then anything else.
In the center of camp, Lachlan has to shove his way through the crowd to get to the center. Soldiers are screaming and yelling over whatever's happening in the middle. Most soldiers quiet and move away when they recognize Lachlan and his furious look. What could have so many of them all riled up?
A tree is in the middle of the camp, more a peaceful decoration then anything else. Now it's being used as makeshift battlements.
Both assassins are in the branches of the tree and kicking out at anyone who tries to climb up. At least they're not using weapons. Max and Ty are both trying to scream over the crowd while Barney is nowhere to be seen. It's takes a moment to hear what the soldiers are actually saying.
"Liblicen scum!"
"Go back to your own country!"
"You never helped us, and look what's happened!"
"Why didn't you send troops? You killed us all"
     "You can't take our home once we're weak!"
It clicks after that last one. Sub uses the Zemrlt's Linlicen hand signs from the continent. Although GoldenEye's ally, they never sent aid to fight against the squids. Liblicen chose the squids over Lachlan's troops. It's a betrayal that cost them a kingdom. It makes sense that they're angry.
     "SHUT UP AND STOP ACTING LIKE A BUNCH OF CRY BABIES", the General roars, now standing at the base of the tree. He has a surprisingly loud voice when he's pissed off. Some would compare it to a dragon's battle cry. Every soldier instantly falls silent.
"Does that runt look like a Zemrlt to you?", Lachlan narrows his eyes and tilts his head. He's really not in the mood to deal with something like this, but he is the General. The troops have the expectation that he can save them. Certain behaviors and actions are needed to maintain control. Lachlan has to act like everybody's nightmare babysitter to keep the troops in line. His mask has become flawless in time like these.
"Unless you think you treed a couple of squids in disguise, both of them are human. Maybe one of them does use Zemrlt sign language, but most hybrids know it. I doubt a human would ever be allowed inside the Liblicen castle, never mind have any say in this war", Lachlan growls. If only he knew how wrong he was. "They're both here because I asked for them to come, including the mute freak".
     "But how do you expect us to to just let him in here? Liblicen won't take us while we're weak", one of the soldiers barks, stepping out in front of Lachlan with a glare. The General draws his sword.
      "You questions my orders? If you don't  agree with my decisions, challenge me for the position of General. You can order me to do whatever you want if you win, soldier", Lachlan sinks into a fighting stance.
No one else speaks up, and the soldier backs up. Very few people would want to be in Lachlan's position. The power and respect just isn't worth inheriting a 21 year war.
"Get out of the tree", the General orders the assassins, sheathing his weapon. Sky and Sub aren't soldiers, but they still quickly climb down. Sub was just almost killed by the soldiers he's been trying to find for nine years. Someone saw him signing to Sky and connected the dots.
The General moves away from the trees, and the soldiers start to disperse back to their duties with a few mumbles. Max and Ty join the assassins at Lachlan's back. Mitch and Vikk exchange an uneasy look before following. Vikk's never seen Lachlan act like that before.
     "So, I mays have bounced outs on that one", Barney winces when the group gets to the other side of the camp. He's no soldier, and has already risked a lot help find the assassins' guild.
     "I don't blame you. The troops reacted rather poorly to my plan once I explained it, and a Liblicen assassin didn't help", Lachlan sighs. Sub pokes Sky and signs a few symbols then.
"Sub says that he's been trying to find the camps for years. There's something that he wants to discuss with the General after everything calms down", Sky explains. Sub cocks his head to the side before turning and walking out of the camp.
"Where are you going?", Ty asks in confusion. Sub looks back, shrugs, and disappears into the trees. No one stops him.
"So what just happened?", Max raises an eyebrow.
"Sub is a little strange. He'll do something to win over the troops before asking for whatever he wants", Vikk replies.
"I don't really care at this point. Can I sleep now?", Ty huffs, finally sick of the day. Two days of travel really grates on his nerves.
"Right. I have separate sleeping quarters for Ty and Sky. Max will be taking Ty's old position and room. Vikk and I will stay in the Captain's quarters with Mitch, and Barney can-", Lachlan starts to give out orders, but Barney cuts him off.
"Actually, I have to get back to the capital. A trading business won't run itself for very long. I plan to ride through the night", the noble interrupts.
"You won't stay the night?", Mitch asks. Barney declines the offer. It's better that he gets back before anyone becomes suspicious.
Lachlan goes to see him off, "Well, good luck then. Your continuous help may just win this war".

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