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A/N There's the redraw ^. I'll update the picture if I ever finish it....

Red's never been a fan of the ocean, especially because he's never seen it, but the former Assassin King has decided that it might grow on him. He sits on a cliff, eyes half lidded, with one leg folded underneath himself and the other dangling over the ledge. Waves crash violently at the sheer rock wall below him. The ocean spray and wind keep throwing his bangs around. Strange enough, his hair's red color is fading, blond roots starting to show though.
It's been three months since King Salaris was assassinated, and three months since Adam and Kyler both took their places as Kings. Three months, give or take a few days, since Red killed anyone.
"Red? What are you doing out here? The ship is leaving soon", Barney is surprised to find the assassin so far from the docks. This is the only part of the island with a cliff like this.
     "I'm just watching. I'll be on your precious ship before it leaves, don't worry", Red doesn't take his eyes off the water.
     Barney stands quietly for a moment before sighing and sitting down in the grass. He's got time to spare. Things are a lot easier now that the Noble isn't helping support a rebellion.
     "Do you want to talk about it?", Barney asks.
     "I just don't  get it. Why do you think leaving GoldenEye will be so good for me?", Red fidgets, tearing at the grass.
     "Come on, Red. Your name is clear now. You can finally go through a port without gettin arrested", Barney laughs a little to try and lighten the mood.
     "I attacked someone at the inn last night".
     "Oh...... Did you....... kill them?".
     "No. Just a cut. They didn't see my face, either".
     The silence thickens around them. The unspoken words are starting to build up. It's illogical that Barney, a noble, would actually be friends with someone like Red. Nobody knows the full story except for them.
     "Liblicen would be good for you. It's a new environment. I still believe that you can change. Adam did it, didn't he?", Barney nudges the assassin.
     "I can't change. Hurting is all I know, Barney. There's too much blood on my hands. Your hope in me is sorely misplaced", Red lets his head fall to face the sun. His voice doesn't sound particularly happy or sad. It's just monotone.
"Come on! I didn't save you for nothing! You're gonna be alright. Three months! Ha, I think that's a new record for you", Barney says.
"Sometimes I think Dan knew this would happen if he took children out of the fighting pits. He never wanted to blow his cover. You, barely old enough to call yourself a man, were the first person to care about some beaten up runt. Maybe you shouldn't have bothered at all", Red thinks back on those horrible days.
There was a cheering crowd that roared his name. There was a leather whip always waiting for him afterwards. What Barney saw in a half feral thirteen-year-old, Red will never know.
"I would never have left you there. It was Dan's fault that you didn't get out sooner", Barney hates Lord Dan just as much as Red, but he hides it better.
     "Whatever. You want me in Liblicen? I'll come, but don't expect any miracles. I'm no goody goody angel", Red hauls himself up and starts walking back to the docks.
     Barney gets up after him to follow. It's progress. Red may be a murderer, but there is still redemption if he fights for it.


     Max's breathing is a shallow as he looks out from the ship. He's never sailed before, but he found the rhythm easy enough. He'll have to thank Hawk later.
     Looking out over Kyladia now is like a dream cook true. Max never though he would see it or meet the other half of his family.
     He'll only be here for a month, but he's already missing Ross and his mom. They're not allowed to visit Kyladia. Max will go back to them when his dad goes on his next journey.
     "Tanager, grab a box and come down here! Your cousins are about to trample me!", Hawk yells up at the ship, and Max looks down to see two men his age and a younger girl. His family.
     Max smiles, and grabs a bag before going to join them.


"Man, it already feels like it happened so long ago", Ty looks around at the old army camp. The forest undergrowth is already creeping in to reclaim it.
     "This place is already falling apart. I wonder if Red's mansion is like this, too", King Adam smiles a little. For the first in three months, he's able to take off his crown and and relax for a few days. It's been incredibly stressful.
Adam has always been afraid of his crown, but he doesn't have to lead alone. Lord Dan has been helping him every step of the way. Lachlan even helped for the first month before he stepped down as General. Adam is building a new council. Ty and Cory are both members of his court. The scared teen is surprisingly resourceful.
"Hey! You guys finally made it!".
"It took long enough alright".
     Mitch and Jerome are already in the clearing. They just got back from a two week trip to Liblicen. Jerome wouldn't even consider going by himself. Both of them seem a lot happier with the war behind them.
     Any word from Quinten? He said that he was coming, and bringing two others with him", Ty's question is answered by more voices coming from the trees.
     "Just keep your eyes shut! It's only a little further", Quinten's voice is unmistakable, and he quickly appears through the trees.
     Him and Jason are leading a younger girl who has her eyes scrunched closed. She has the splotchy blue skin of a half Piscus, and Adam realizes that she must be Quinten's younger sister.
     Looking at Jason, the King can't help but smile. His limp is gone. Jason isn't wearing his leg brace and he's walking just fine without it. He'll never be the fastest runner, but it's a start.
     "Aright, you can look now", Quinten smiles when he sees the others waiting. His sister looks at them, eyes going wide.
     "These are the people from your stories! Why didn't you tell me they were coming? Now I look so silly", Seven is exited and embraced at the same time, hiding behind her older brother.
     "I'm in Quinten's stories, and you don't freak out when you see me", Jason pouts and crosses his arms.
     The three children squabble a little, and Jerome lets Seven feel his fur. It's great to see that all of them are doing alright.
     "Adam, do you think Lachlan and Vikk are coming?", Ty turns back to Adam.
     "I don't think so. They've practically disappeared. I haven't heard from them in a while. Ian's gone, too", Adam explains. He'd like to think that his old mentor is somewhere leading a better life.
     Adam looks over a collapsing building on the edge of town. He thought his healing gift was a curse for a long time, but Adam owes everything to a sorcerer dressed in purple. Seto's old house is falling apart, but it looks like the closet is still intact. His rune gate will never open again.
      These are happier times now. Adam is slowly learning how to ignore the past and focus on the happy times. Like now. Everything is finally as it should be.


Final word count: 123,870

     And that is the end. Thank you all so much for sticking around this long! This book has really helped my writing style grow and help me write longer chapters. I'm proud of it, but a book is nothing without its readers 💜
Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading!

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