#48 In-Between

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It took two days  just for everything to somewhat settle. It's not easy to control an area that doesn't want to be controlled. After nine years, the residents of the city weren't prepared to have two armies move in and make themselves at home. Lord Dan's GoldenWings helped a lot in that area. Most of them were already well respected. He really does have people everywhere.
There ended up being a small number of soldiers inside the city, but most of the army camped outside. It's not right to invade the homes of the people you're trying to save. Although, no one had a problem with General Lachlan taking control of the squid's old barracks.
     Adam's plan worked, even if there was a little help. There weren't even very many casualties. Even Liblicen's separate battle had only a few. The squids never saw it coming.
     While Lachlan and Adam are sorting things out, Captain Mitch has time on his hands. Jerome even said he was going outside the walls. He's still conflicted about that one.
Nine years ago, Jerome got a latter from Liblicen. Mitch had been so angry that he didn't tell him. It's the reason they got separated. Mitch has given in. It's Jerome choice if he wants to leave GoldenEye, as much as the thought pains the Captain. It's better know that his brother is alive somewhere then missing.
     Mitch limps down the hall of one of the squid's new barracks with a somber mood. It's about midday, and he's got nothing to do. He's pretty lucky to be walking at all. An arrow got shoved straight through his leg, after all. Quinten used his magic to heal it a little, but said he would do the rest tonight. The hybrid's magic is till a little finicky.
     The barracks is almost completely empty. Mitch should be looking for Lachlan to get more orders, but that seems like a lot to bother with at the moment. Vacation doesn't exist for a Captain.
     Mitch turns a corner into the next hallway, stopping short when he sees candle light coming from
an open doorway. There are only windows on the outside halls and that makes the rooms usually dark.
     No one is suppose to be here right now since this is where the General and Captains are staying. Mitch stays as quiet as possible while sneaking closer for a look. It's a bit more of challenge with the arrow wound.
The room is dimly lit, but Mitch can make out a figure siting in a chair with their back to the doorway. They aren't doing anything but watching something that Mitch can't quite make out from his angle. Strange as it all is, they don't seem to be doing any harm. Mitch is debating wether to keep watching or go in when the guy speaks up.
"Why do you s-stand there in the door and w-watch? Enter", their voice is rough with disuse, and his words are very formal.
Surprised, Mitch obediently steps inside with one hand on the hilt of his sword. If the voice wasn't enough, the stranger's pale skin and black hair mark him as a Zemrlt. Could this be the commander? He hasn't bothered to arrange any sort of meeting with the GoldenEye army yet. It would make sense why he's in this building.
Mitch only takes a few steps into the room before he sees what has the Zemrlt's attention. It's a body. More specifically, someone Mitch recognizes.
The Captain didn't know Sub that well, but had assumed he was already cremated like Liblicen does to all their dead. It's a little disturbing to see.
Mitch can almost guarantee that his old King would have never sent Adam to a war in another country, but Sub didn't send a letter to his king. He sent one to his prince and best friend. This Zemrlt isn't a commander at all. A rope of guilt tightens around Mitch's neck. He shouldn't be here.
"I'm sorry to disturb you! I can leave now-", Mitch's nervousness gets the better of him.
"No. Sit and stay. Some c-company may be beneficial. I should not be here. G-Grief comes after the war", the prince says, but he does not turn around to face Mitch. His body is full of tension.
The Captain almost leaves anyways, but slumps down in a chair against the wall. Looking for more orders may have been the better call.
     The two sit in silence for a time. Mitch does his best to not look anywhere except the floor or directly at the Zemrlt prince. He's the first one to speak.
"Forgive me for not tur-turning to greet you. My identity is important", the prince picks something off his lap, and Mitch sees that it's a mask when they finally turn around. The mask is painted blue and purple, but one eye hole has red stained around the outside. That same eye is a pure white instead of grey like the other.
"It's fine. I don't think it was rude at all", Mitch struggles to respond. He's note sure why the Zemrlt wants him to stay for a chat, especially next a friend's corpse. "I'm Captain Mitch, under General Lachlan and Prince Adam".
"Prince Don of Liblicen. Tell-ell me, Mitch, did you kn-know Sub?", the Zemrlt cocks his head to the side. The gesture reminds Mitch of Jason.
     "No, not really. Prince Adam actually knew him better, as strange as it sounds", the Captain squirms a little under the Zemrlt prince's gaze.
      "I see. Sub was my b-brother, even human, so I was hoping to hear more a-about what he has been doing", Don looks over at the bed before turning back.
     "From what little I know, he was always talking about you", Mitch tries to be comforting, "My brother's name is Jerome. He helped fight with your troops in the battle yesterday".
     "The bacca Hybrid is your kin? We have something in common, then", Don's mask keeps Mitch from knowing if he's smiling or not. The prince's tone is depressing and sad. "Sub h-has been he-here all these years, a-and I'm only just c-catching up......."
The silence returns with a vengeance. Mitch's sword is dull in the battle of conversation. He doesn't have anything interesting or witty to say, but Prince Don wants to talk anyways. The Zemrlt needs something else to think about until the end of this war when he can mourn properly.
      "It is tr-true that all hybrids are co-connected to humans by a common ancestor, but do you kn-know why?", Don restarts the battle of words.
     "I've heard that there's magic in Liblicen dirt. There's enough sorcerers around for it to be believable", Mitch smiles a little.
     "Magic dirt? That is odd", Don chuckles behind the mask, "My people say that the lines b-between the dead and living are thinner in the homeland. You call them the Aether and the Neather".
     "Angels and Demons? That's where sorcerer magic and hybrid features come from?".
"And the in-between. It used to be very common to summon things, but your demons are easier to c-call. It does not happen as o-often anymore". Mitch takes in Don's words, but a certain bit catches his curiosity.
"What's the in-between?", the Captain asks.
"Between dead and alive. One has to be dead, but are not in the Aether or Nether", Dan replies. He feels like he's finally having a real conversation with the human captain.
"You have a lot of faith in something you can't see", Mitch is a little disappointed. He's not looking for a debate on religion.
"But I do see it. All Zemrlt directly in the line or r-royalty can see. Jason's father can see even though he cannot. My f-father sees, and now I do", Don taps his mask next his white eye. As soon as he got it, he knew Sub was dead. That's the price for sight. It's common knowledge in Liblicen.
"I don't understand what you mean.......", Mitch trails off. He feels like Don is about to whip out some religious text or sacred charms.
The Zemrlt prince covers up his gray eye, looking around the room with the other. He's been trying this for hours, looking for Sub.
"There are two in-betweens that follow you around, Captain", Don stares at the left side of the room, "I as-assume that you have a guess at their identities?".
Mitch sits bolt upright. That's way too accurate to be a guess. There's no way for Don to know about Mitch's old unit.
"My ancestor c-could make entire armies see. So I should be able for one", Don's words hardly register before the prince takes one of Mitch's hands in his. They're shockingly cold.
     At first, nothing changes. The shadows still dance in the candlelight. What's not ok is when one of the shadows detach themselves from the wall. Mitch can't help but think about all the scary fairytales his dad used to tell.
     There are shadow people walking all around, but it's impossible to count them since they appear and disappear at random. Most of them seem to like hanging around Don. It makes sense if what he says is all true, and it must be with all this.
     It takes a moment for Mitch to see the shadows that aren't moving around. The two are nothing but silhouettes, but both have their heads turned to Mitch. When the Captain stares, the slightly shorter one tugs on the other's arm and waves. Mitch knows without a doubt who that are. Rob and Preston have been watching from the in-between all this time. As soon as Don lets go of his hand, all the shadows disappear.
     "We could both use some faith, Captain Mitch", Prince Don stands up and takes one last look at Sub, "Take me to yo-your General. Mourning will come for the both of us after the battle is won".


While Mitch and Don were having a staring contest with ghosts, Adam was meeting his own demons. Literally.
     The Prince is hiding from General Lachlan. There's no doubt he wanted Adam to make a public appearance this morning, but he has to find him first.
Adam sneaks around the side of a building, letting out a sigh of relief when he can no longer see the main street. His amulet is hidden underneath his jacket. Adam nearly jumps out of his skin when someone lays their hand on his shoulder. He didn't even hear them. His old instincts rear their head, and he flips around. Adam grips the man's arm with both hands, trying to twist it to the side. He doesn't budge even an inch.
"Wow! And I thought the Sorcerer was paranoid with all his traps. Nice moves, Sky", the man laughs in glee, his accent like nothing Adam's ever heard. Worse, he called him Sky; his assassin name. The prince jumps back in fright and confusion to see the stranger better.
     He's just a little taller, but more muscular. That still doesn't explain why Adam couldn't move him. Pitch black sunglasses completely hide their eye color. Ear piercing are a little strange for a villain. They have black hair and a black jacket covering their white shirt, but the prince is a little more confident when he sees no weapons. The confidence is lost when the stranger smiles, showing off sharp fangs a snake's tongue. A hybrid? Adam reaches wildly for one of his weapons.
"Hey, Hey, no need for that", the stranger puts his arms up in mock surrender. Adam gets a hold of one of his swords, but his hands fumble with it until it clatters to the ground. Ian spent years making sure that didn't happen. Why does he drop things now of all time?
"Who are you? What do you want?", Adam goes for his other sword.
"Do you have to drop the next one, too? A little clumsy", he laughs again in that strange accent, "Geez, relax a little. You've fallen a long way from a God. I'm here to help, honest". Adam assumes the stranger is talking about his fall from the castle, but they're actually being completely serious.
"Why does help slink around in allies?", Adam fires back. Killers don't usually stop and chat, but he's still wary and suspicious.
"Why does a prince slink around in an ally?", the stranger mocks, "But I do have a contract to fulfill. I came here with the Zemrlt. Damn Sorcerer decided to visit the in-between right when I owed him a favor". He pouts, and for a second, Adam swears that he sees a flash of red behind those glasses.
In fact, the longer he looks at this stranger, the more his instincts tell him to flee. There' definitely something not right with this situation. As he stares, the stranger makes eye contact, and there's suddenly the shadows of wings on his back. They're gone as soon as Adam blinks.
"Anyways, you won't be seeing me again, but just know that I've graced your army with my help. Name's Bodil, or my number is 666, depending on your race", Bodil goes on completely unaware of Adam's discovery, "If you mention me to anyone they'll either think you're lying, or crazy. So I guess I'll see you later. Tell Red I said hi. He's a lot more interesting this time around". Bodil is laughing his strange laugh while walking away and disappearing around the corner.
Still surprised and confused, Adam chases after Bodil. He turns the corner to find nothing but an empty street. 666 is gone.
What just happened?
Adam is starting to think that thinks can't get any worse, but that's when Lachlan sees him standing at the corner. The chase resumes.

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