|| Left Alone \\ Part Two ||

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[A/N: Okay... this gets really depressing from here on out, and there's a bit of homophobic slurs. So... fair warning.]

|| Kirishima P.O.V. \\ Third Person ||

Kirishima muttered some words to himself as he held bakugou's hand, sitting on the seat next to him.
He finally stayed to speak aloud, hoping deep down, Katsuki could hear him.

"It's been so hard without you here, katsuki. I miss talking to you and joking around at the house. I miss cuddling up to you as we watch a scary movie, and how you'd hide under the covers whenever something scary happened. I miss hearing your voice, telling me I'll be okay, and I'll make it through the day. I miss holding you in my arms, and I miss kissing you. I miss everything. I miss how you'd make me feel better. After these past weeks, I've felt worthless, I've felt unloved. Please...I need you katsuki... please." He spoke clearly at the beginning, but by the time be was halfway through his message, his voice started shaking and tears threatened his eyes.

"Wake up, katsuki. Let me see your eyes... let me see your smile." He begged, strengthening his grip on katsuki. "Please..."

"This world isn't worth anything without you."

Tears dripped onto his and bakugou's hands. Just as the fell down Kirishima's cheeks. "Don't you dare fucking leave me-" he choked out, his forehead falling onto Katsuki's bed, his hands on his own head, no longer holding into katsuki.

He felt a touch of skin and jolted up, hoping it was bakugou who had moved, but saw Mitsuki standing above him. "Visiting hours are over, Eijiro... I'm sorry." She said sweetly, helping kirishima stand.

Kirishima wiped the tears from his eyes, standing up, staring at Katsuki hurt hi, to the point just seeing him in so much obvious pain made his heart wrench. He didn't know if he could stand this feeling again. The only other time he had was in the junior year of high school, when Katsuki had threatened suicide.

He shook his head, smiling softly. "I'll be back, okay?" He forced himself to look away, covering his mouth with his hand as he followed Mitsuki out the door. The blonde woman wrapped her arms around him in a hug, "Sh, it's okay, he'll be alright." She said sweetly. "How about you stay with us until he gets better. You shouldn't be alone right now." Kirishima nodded, before Mitsuki let go of the hug, walking with him out of the hospital and back down to the car.

As kirishima stepped into the car with Mitsuki, he started dreading leaving. He didn't want Katsuki to be alone if- no, when, he woke up.

''Mitsuki...I need to know he's going to be okay...''

Mitsuki sighed softly, starting the car, ''He's strong. You and I both know that. Even if Katsuki doesn't wake up for a month, he'll survive. I know he will.''

'a month.'


A week had gone by. Kirishima had gone to the hospital everyday, and spent every second he could with Katsuki. 

He started to have doubts. Doubts he would be able to handle being without him so long. 

Misaru used to tell him that if you can't be alright without them, you shouldn't be with them. It never really meant much to him because he used to be fine on his own whenever Katsuki wasn't with him. Of course he missed him, but he was fine.

This past while though, he felt like nothing would be able to take any of the pain in his heart away except for seeing Katsuki again. He craved Bakugou's voice, he craved his laughter, but he mainly craved him as a whole. He wanted to be with him again.

He didn't want to do anything else.

Mina had managed to re-connect with him the day before, and had offered the 'bakusquad' get back together and hang out. 

He had agreed, but the second Denki asked where Katsuki was, he felt his heart drop again, and didn't think he'd be able to manage without Katsuki there with him. He ended up going back home and laying in his bed with Kat. 

He had never felt so alone.

Not even when his mom died and he was left alone. 

At that time, he was supposed to go to foster care, but had ran away. He didn't want to live with a fake family. He stayed with a couple of friends, moving in, and moving out months later. Most of his friend's parents were very nice and took care of him, but it didn't feel right, so he'd run away from them too, and never speak to his friends again.

He had eventually settled into a house with one of his counselors, who took care of him until the dorms were built, then he lived there full time, and never bothered to make contact with his counselor again.

As he sat at the table, slowly sipping on a glass of water, he decided he should call her. She might be able to help him calm down, or just provide a bit of company.

He dialed the number that had been drilled into his head, and put the phone up to his ear.

[A/N yeah yeah, i know this took forever, and sorry about that... I had it saved as a draft for the longest time because I didn't know what I wanted to do with the story. Anyways, it's out!

I hope you enjoy this bit~]

[919 words]

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