|| Take me home ||

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[A/N in this specific story, kirishima's mom left when he was little, leaving kirishima to be left with his father, who blames him for his mom leaving. This causes his dad to quite often Abuse him, neglect him, etc.]

|| Kirishima's P.O.V. \\ First Person ||

Out of that damn house I go again. Yet another fight, which only lead to these cuts and bruises on my arms and back. To anyone else, it may look like I had done it to myself, but I wish i had, maybe I wouldn't be without a home tonight. 

It had become a norm by now. I would get in a fight with my dad, he'd tell me not to come back until the next morning when my temper changed, and I'd spend the night at Mina's. Mina is a girl in my class, one of the top. She's really kind, and is the only one who knows about what my father does to me, so whenever I show up at her house, she just lets me come in.

So you can guess how weirded out I felt when, a little late into the night, when most people are still awake and have already eaten dinner, no one answered her door. I tried knocking again, nothing. I noticed a small paper slipping out from underneath a door mat. I grabbed it, and looked at it, reading what it said. 'Kirishima, I'm sorry that you got in another fight with your dad. I wish I could let you stay the night here, but my parents made sure to grab any spare keys so no one could get into the house. We're on vacation right now, and will be back in a week. Again, I'm really sorry I'm not here.'

I let out a frustrated sigh, before letting it go. It wasn't her fault. I folded the paper and put it in my pocket, walking away from her house, and down to the park across the street. I started walking around aimlessly, not knowing what to do, or where to go. 

|| Bakugou's P.O.V. \\ First Person ||

I had decided to go for a nightly stroll to ease my mind of that bastard trying to one-up me again today. The damn Deku always gets on my nerves. I headed towards a park not far from my school, and as I was walking I noticed this kid who seemed to be about my age, strolling around. He seemed to be upset with something, not only that, but he looked like he had been in a fight recently. It was too dark to see well, but his stance, the way his fists were clenched. The exact posture you'd have if you had gotten into an argument of fists. 

After having enough of him walking in my way when I just tried to stay calm and have a nice walk, I put my arm on his shoulder, making him turn around quickly, a fist raised. He lowered it once he realized I had no intention to fight. 

''What... do you want?'' He asked, a moment of hesitation in his voice.

''For you to get out of my way, you're hogging the walkway, you dumbass.''

He breathed a heavy sigh, before a glare fell into his crimson eyes. ''Listen, I'm sorry I was in your way, but I'm not currently in the best mood, so if you could please  have a little courtesy and just leave me alone for the night, I'd really appreciate it.''

''The night? What? Ya live here or some shit?''

''For tonight? yeah... i do.''

The more I looked at him, the more I noticed. He had cuts and bruises on his arms, his knuckles were red, and obviously sore. His arms were always rock like, hardened, I'd assume. His eyes were red and puffy, showing he had been crying. Last but not least, the look in his eye. It had faded from a glare to one asking for help, the eyes I had only seen on a few people before.

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