|| A night in Hell's Hotel // part 1 ||

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[A/N kudos to my dad for coming of with the name of today's chapter.  Also- the inspiration from today's chapter is from the youtube series Buzzfeed Unsolved! So shout out to them!]

|| Bakugou's P.O.V. // First Person || 

Just like how every creepy story begins, it was a cold winter night. I was sitting by myself in my room, doing nothing in particular. I was half cleaning my room, while also stopping to look at stuff that had been hidden from me for a while. I was rather bored and had nothing to do, since my training equipment hadn't come in yet. 

So, you can assume why I jumped at the opportunity when I heard a knock at the front door. I dashed out of my room and downstairs before my mom or dad could. I flung it open and saw someone around my height, with bright red hair. I thought nothing of it as the young boy held out a box in front of him, a smile on his face. ''Oh hey! Are you Katsuki Bakugou?'' 

I simply nodded, and he held out a small device with a stylus dangling from it. I took it from him and signed my name before he handed me the box.  I nodded, shutting the door and pressing my back to it. 

I was honestly excited, as I assumed it was the equipment I had been waiting for. However, the box couldn't have been large enough for most of what I ordered. I ran up to my room after locking the door, and shut my door, opening the box carefully in case it was from a villain. Inside, there was a small envelope along with many things wrapped in grey plastic bags. Intrigued, I pulled out the envelope, opening it to see, to no one's surprise, a letter. Upon opening it, small bits of golden confetti flew out, much to my irritation. 

My eyes glanced over the words in bold reading "congratulations!" and read the text below, 

"Dear Katsuki Bakugou, 

You have been in invitied to Hell's Hotel! This hotel is the most haunted hotel in the country. There have been reports of thundering footsteps and children's laughter in the halls, and shadow figures appearing in rooms! [For more sightings, go to rightpunditry.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/vi51.jpg]

There are two tickets, so that means you can bring someone with you! These tickets allow you to stay one overnight at the hotel free!  

Inside this package you will find many ghost hunting tools, with instructions on how to use them inside. If you find them difficult to use even with the instructions, there are links on the instructions you can visit for more information. These tickets do not have a due date, so you can come whenever you wish!

Thank you, and we can't wait to see you there!

                                                                                                       -Chisai Shogannari with the Hell's Hotel staff"

I rolled my eyes, setting the letter down in the box. I never believed in ghosts and thought hunting them was a waste of time. Besides, why should I go out of my way to go to a place where invisible people would just move things and scare some people. I closed the box, and figured I could just give it to someone as a gift or something. Just as I was moving the box off of my bed, my phone started to buzz from my pocket. 

I set the box down and pulled my phone from my pocket, clicking the answer button before I immediately heard a familiar voice yapping away on the other side. 

''Bakugou! I didn't expect you to answer! Anyway, my moms are heading out of town for a couple days next week and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out since we have those days off of school too! Of course, you don't have to if yo-''

''God- Shut up!'' I snapped, already annoyed with the box before hearing hearing an annoying voice talking nonstop. There was simply a soft giggle from the other side, causing me to roll my eyes.

''Now say what you were going to say slower, moron.''

I could only imagine the red haired idiot grinning on the other side, suddenly getting an odd pang in my chest. It was familiar to me, feeling almost homesick. I hated it when I felt that way with people. Even though I always pushed people away, being seperated from certain people made me feel sad.

''Sorry!'' he chuckled softly, before speaking again, ''but I was saying that during the Christmas break my moms are going out of town for a bit and I was figuring, if you wanted, we could hang out!'' He spoke slowly, seemingly actually taking what I said into consideration. 

I groaned at the thought, although I didn't really mind, ''Fine, whatever,'' I said nonchalantly, before immediately picturing Kirishima's smile growing on the other side of the phone. I heard Kirishima's voice start speaking again, before softly tuning out, simply enjoying his voice going on about something random, before he suddenly tuned in again at the sudden silence that came from his phone. 

''Kirishima?'' I called through the phone, wondering if Kirishima had said he was leaving to do something and I hadn't noticed. 

''Sorry- got a little spooked!'' Kirishima chuckled, though it was obvious there was actual fear in his voice.

''What happened?'' I asked, though I didn't really care too much. 

''Well I'm sitting in my room alone and a book just fell off my bookshelf on it's own, so it creeped me out a bit,'' Kirishima said, obviously trying to hide the fear lurking in him, ''maybe it was a ghost!'' He said jokingly, though there was some honesty hidden within it.

''Eh, there's no way ghosts are real,'' I said in return, finding it rather odd that someone like Kirishima believed in spirits.

''What!? Yes they do! There's so much evidence for there to be!'' Kirishima retorted, clearly in shock.

''Nuh-uh!'' I returned, getting a bit irritated Kirishima was arguing with me, ''Watch, I'll prove it!''

''How?'' Kirishima asked, as though he didn't believe me. 

''I got two tickets to a haunted hotel. We'll go over the break and I'll prove to you that they don't exist!'' I said in a frustrated tone, knowing Kirishima would agree without hesitation.

''Whoah seriously, dud that's cool!'' He spoke happily, before responding again, ''Alright, we'll go and I'll prove to you that they are real!''

I rolled my eyes, ''Fine!''

''Anyway-'' Kirishima started before speaking again, to which I stopped paying attention. He must've talked for hours, since by the time he said he had to go, it was nearring dinnertime for my family. 

I agreed to end the call, before hearing a small beep and turning my phone off.

This break will be interesting. 

[A/N so this chapter turned out to be way longer than I expected, so this is part one, and part two will actually have them going to the haunted hotel. Anyway, I realized that I hadn't posted a Halloween Story, so this is that ^^' Also, next week I will have a christmas chapter, so you can look forward to that!]

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