|| Anniversary Night ||

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[A/N Also- before you get on my case about Smut n' shit because they're underage, they're aged up in this story so chill. Anyway- it's super late and I randomly got this idea, so sorry if it seems rushed or anything-]

|| Bakugou's P.O.V. // Third person ||

Bakugou sat down at the familiar table, annoyed that Kirishima constantly insisted on the "yearly anniversary bullshit." 

''It's to remember all the fun we had on our first date!'' Kirishima had retorted when Bakugou had complained.

After six years of anniversaries, you think you'd be used to it by now. Bakugou didn't bother sitting on his knees as you were supposed to, awaiting his boyfriend to enter the room. Eventually, red head stepped into the room with two plates. He had a broad smile plastered on his face as he set one plate down in front of Bakugou, and one in front of himself as he sat down. It was a simply meal: well-done steak, some greens, and mashed potatoes. Bakugou didn't much mind however, seeing as he liked simple meals. 

''I hope you like it!'' Kirishima exclaimed, the same toothy grin he's worn since high school. Bakugou smiled back, actually happy that Kirishima had taken time to make him something, rather than them going out like they usually do on anniversaries. ''Thanks Shitty Hair,'' He responded in a teasing manner, causing Kirishima to shoot a friendly glare to him. 

The two began eating, talking about simple things as they normally did, before Kirishima asked something that caught Bakugou off-guard, ''Hey, you really want to go see that movie that was released tonight right?'' He glanced up from his meal and seemed to frown a bit, ''You better not have bought tickets,'' He said sternly. Kirishima shook his head, ''I haven't incase you didn't want to go, but we can try to find some seats if that's what you want to do tonight!'' Kirishima spoke energetically, and was caught by surprise at Bakugou's response, ''Nah, I wanna do something else.''His voice was stern, as though he already had plans for the night and Kirishima's idea imposed with it.

Kirishima frowned a bit, a little saddened as he also had wanted to see the movie, but figured they could watch it another time, ''Alright, is there something specific you want to do?'' Kirishima asked, a smile returning, paying no mind as Bakugou stood up and picked up his plate, along with Kirishima's. Kirishima simply stood up after him and followed him to the kitchen. Bakugou was silent as he rinsed off the dishes and placed them in a dishwasher. 

Kirishima was a little worried due to his boyfriend's silence, but figured he was just trying to think of something. Bakugou, after closing the dishwasher, turned to Kirishima with a piercing look in his eyes. It sent a shiver down Kirishima's spine as he feared what his intentions were.  Kirishima grew fearful a moment, paralyzed in place as Bakugou stepped towards him, before the menacing look shifted into a softer one. 

It told Kirishima that he was in no danger, while also keeping him wary. Bakugou as he grew closer, lifted his hands and placed them on the red head's cheeks, pulling him into a kiss. IIt was loving and passionate, deviating from the look Bakugou had been holding. As the kiss softly broke, Kirishima couldn't help but chuckle, ''What was up with all the build-up, Kat?'' He said jokingly, however, Bakugou didn't respond. He seemed to be dealing with some internal crisis, stuck on a decision.

Kirishima, worried that his boyfriend was suffering from a decision that could change his life, felt he had to console him somehow. So, he wrapped his arms around Bakugou, burying his nose in the nape of Bakugou's neck. After a moment of just standing there, Bakugou muttered softly, "fuck it," and wrapped his arms around Kirishima in turn. 

After a moment of thinking, Bakugou slid his hand up Kirishima's shirt, which the redhead paid no mind to. ''Look at me,'' Bakugou demanded. When Kirishima did so, lifting his head to face the blonde, Bakugou reconnected their lips, the kiss rougher and needier. Kirishima slowly started to catch on as to what Bakugou wanted, and a smile curled at his lips. ''Could've just asked, Katsuki,'' He teased in between a kiss, gently moving to press Bakugou to a wall as he continued kissing him.  After a moment or so, Kirishima brought one of his hands from the wall above Bakugou's shoulder, and moved it down to Bakugou's chest, running his warm hand softly across Bakugou's body and causing him to shudder. 

Bakugou removed himself from the kiss, making it a point to press harder against Kirishima's body, wrapping his arms around KIrishima's neck and going to kiss him, before the redhead dodged to kiss on Bakugou's neck. Bakugou tried his best not to let out a whimper of pleasure, not wanting to sound desperate. 

Bakugou and Kirishima had, of course, touched each other before, what do you expect from two horny teenagers? However, it had never felt like this. This was more passionate, and careful.

Kirishima brought his hand down from Bakugou chest, sliding it over the bulge that was forming in between Bakugou's legs. The blonde let out a soft gasp at the sudden gesture, pleasure running through his body. He pressed the back of his head on the wall as Kirishima nipped at his neck, causing another soft moan to escape the blonde's lips. 

Just as Bakugou was beginning to grow impatient, Kirishima's phone rang from his pocket. Kirishima suddenly let go of Bakugou, much to the blonde's anger.

He answered the phone, leaving Bakugou absolutely dumbfounded and angry, and after a solid while of Kirishima talking, and Bakugou waiting, kirishima said goodbye and turned to face Bakugou.

''Sorry that was my mom. She needs help with some stuff and I don't want her to deal with it on her own,'' Kirishima explained, which brought Bakugou's blood boiling. He tried to calm himself down, ''Fine- whatever.'' 

He stepped out of the room, and sat down on the living room's couch, ''I'll be waiting!'' He called to Kirishima, annoyed that his boyfriend would actually just end it like that, leaving Bakugou to deal with his problem himself.

[A/N no joke as I was finishing the sentence I left my room to get some tea and my mom asks me what I'm doing, I say I'm writing a story and she says "Oh cool I can't wait to read it." Sorry to ruin your dreams ma, but unless you stumble across this story you aren't going to :) Anyway, it's kind of short and not that smutty, but I had fun writing it, and I hope you had fun reading it uwo]

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