|| Relax. ||

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Theme(s): Angst, Fluff

[This was requested by The-One-Deadly-Sin So- yeah. I was feeling really uninspired and was just randomly checking my notifications and I had a request! I was suddenly burst with inspiration, so thank you!]

|| Kirishima's P.O.V. || Third Person ||

Kirishima winced at the sudden pain in his arms, despite the fact he had hardened them as a shield. He lifted his head up from where it was tucked into his arms to find the hot headed blonde staring at him, seeming to be exhausted from recklessly creating attacks.

Bakugou's sharp red eyes were still laced with determination, though. It was amazing to Kirishima how even after so long, his friend could still have hope. 

The red head dropped his arms, collapsing onto the floor, trying to catch his breath. The approaching footsteps were muted to him, so when a hand reached down to help him stand up, he was caught a bit off guard. He glanced up to see Bakugou was actually smiling. "You lasted longer this time." He said bluntly as Kirishima took his hand and got to his feet.

"Yeah, I've been training really hard- heh." Kirishima chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck, before wincing at the pain that emerged with his lack of adrenaline. Bakugou lifted an eyebrow, before Kirishima smiled again, "I'm okay!"

Bakugou rolled his eyes, sighing, before turning away from the red head, rubbing his wrists. From that alone, Kirishima could tell Bakugou had pushed himself to win.

After a moment of hesitation, Kirishima ran after Bakugou to the locker room, not wanting to be left behind. He grinned as he caught pace with his "friend." As he slipped his shirt on over his arms, Kirishima winced again, causing Bakugou, who was standing near him, to turn with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked plainly, as if he didn't care what Kirishima's answer was.

"Yup! Just not as durable as I used to be, I guess." Kirishima's voice was lined with sadness, suggesting he was disappointed in himself.

Bakugou was silent a moment, turning away from Kirishima, shutting his locker as he pulled his shirt fully over himself, before speaking up again. "You're pushing yourself too hard. If you constantly train non-stop you won't have any time to relax and let your body refill with energy."

"You're one to talk," Kirishima teased, closing his locker and turning to face Bakugou, a smirk marking his expression.

Bakugou shot a quick glare, before turning his back on Kirishima and exiting the room. Kirishima just chuckled softly, knowing Bakugou's advice was wise, but he still found it amusing the blonde didn't follow it himself.

Kirishima sighed softly, waiting a while before exiting the room himself, not wanting to upset Bakugou any more than he already had.

|| Time Skip~ ||

"C'mon Kirishima, you beat me at the sports festival, what's holding you back now!?" The metalic male, Tetsutetsu, taunted. 

"I'm trying man, stop rubbing it in!" Kirishima requested, a hurt tone to his voice.

Tetsutetsu paused, letting his defensive posture relax, "Not trying to be mean, bro. You okay?" Kirishima sighed, letting his skin turn back to normal. "I dunno... I'm not as strong as I used to be, it's frustrating!" The silver male sighed, slowly walking closer to kirishima, letting the metallic shield fall, "You should go relax for a bit, we can pick up the training later, okay bro?"

Kirishima nodded, internally admitting he was pretty stressed and training wouldn't help that, "Yeah, that's probably best. See ya later, man."

Tetsutetsu nodded, a grin on his face as he walked away, unlike Kirishima, who stood still with a frown. The red head eventually caved in, and walked out of the training room, changing into casual clothing, and exiting the building.

He sighed heavily as he stepped onto the concrete path, thoughts running through his head. 

'I need to be stronger... I can't rest, that's not what men do! They soldier through their problems and keep fighting!'

Kirishima jumped a bit at his phone going off, being caught in transition. He sighed with relief at the lack of threat, answering his phone. "Hello...?" He asked, forgetting to check the caller ID.

"Hey shitty hair, where are you?" Bakugou's voice echoed from the other side of the phone.
Kirishima sighed again, glad it wasn't some sort of scam or something. 

"Hey bro! I'm just on my way back to the dorms. I was training with Tetsu."

There was silence from the phone for a moment, before a disappointed and slightly angry voice spoke up again, "I told you to relax, idiot." 

"I know! I don't want to though, men don't take breaks, so why should I?"

"So you don't tear yourself apart!" He sighed heavily, before immediately speaking again, not giving Kirishima a chance to speak. "Come to my dorm when you get here, okay?"

Kirishima sighed, "fine... I'll see you there."

The phone made a small noise, indicating that the call had ended. Kirishima put his phone away and picked up his speed. He started to wonder what Bakugou wanted, seeing as Bakugou rarely invited him over. 

|| Time Skip~ ||

Kirishima knocked on Bakugou's door. 
"Hey! It's me." Kirishima indicated, so the blonde would (hopefully) actually answer. The door soon flung open to reveal the red eyed and blonde haired male Kirishima was expecting to see.

"Hey man! What's up?" Kirishima grinned, the smile soon falling when he saw Bakugou's disapproving stare.

Bakugou sighed, "Come in," he said, stepping aside to let Kirishima through the doorway. Kirishima hesitated as he stepped into Bakugou's room, "What's up, man?"

Bakugou shut the door and turned back to Kirishima, "Sit down." He commanded softly, not seeming angry.

Kirishima glanced around, not knowing where to sit, before hearing Bakugou add, "It doesn't matter where." Kirishima nodded and sat down with his back against Bakugou's bed.

"So..." Kirishima said awkwardly, feeling more awkward when Bakugou sat on the bed behind him, "why did you bring me in here to talk?"

Bakugou put his hands on Kirishima's shoulders, making the red head start to worry even more, before calming down as Bakugou started rubbing softly.

The blonde was careful not to hurt Kirishima as his fingers pressed into his shoulders, "You're starting to worry me, Eijirou."

"Haven't heard that name in a while." Kirishima chuckled, admitting that he hadn't seen his mother in a while, nor had Bakugou called him by his first name in some time.

Bakugou was silent, but continued to massage Kirishima's shoulders and back.
Kirishima felt awkward, so he decided he should continue the conversation, "Why... why have you been worrying?"

"You've been overworking yourself. There's a lot of knots in your shoulders... that's enough proof you haven't relaxed in a while." Bakugou said, his hands seeming to warm up a bit.

Kirishima noticed and worried the male was growing angry, "Sorry... I'm just scared people won't think I'm manly if they see me slacking off..."

"Why the hell do you care what they think!?" Bakugou hissed, causing Kirishima to whimper.
"I- I don't know... I've always been that way.." Kirishima admitted, pullign a sigh out of Bakugou. The blonde leaned down and kissed Kirishima's head. "You idiot. You shouldn't care what they think about you, you should just be yourself."

Kirishima sighed, "Yeah, you're right...thanks, man."
"Mhm... do you feel better after having relaxed for a bit?" Bakugou asked, smiling softly.

"Yup! I'm ready to go out there and train again!" Kirishima grinned.
"Moron! I just told you to relax!"

"I know! I know! I was just kidding!" Kirishima laughed as a small explosion, not large enough to harm him erupted from Bakugou's hand.

[A/N I was listening to Creature Feature while writing this haha... I hope I didn't sprinkle some of their creepy vibe into it... I tried not to. Anyway, hope you have a good day and you enjoyed!] 

[1297 words]

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