|| Traitor // pt. 1 ||

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[A/N I'll admit I forgot this book existed. Anyway my mom gave me a challenge to write about Kirishima being the UA traitor in a story, so I did. His si just the first part so there will be more, but I figured I should explain my inspiration for this part.

1. Kirishima shows strong signs of still suffering depression
2. He is one of the only characters that's personality don't play in to their quirk.
3. There is a League of villains member that strongly represents Kirishima's unbreakable form. Speculation shows that this may be a family member (his father in this story)

Also- there will be Kiribaku later on, but in this part there isn't.]

|| Kirishima's P.O.V. // Third Person ||

The winter wind was harsh as it blew into the crevices on the window, waking Kirishima up with a start. The red headed boy, only 15 years of age, sat up and moved his loose bangs out of his face, a frown taking over his expression as he saw his messy room.

'I don't want to do this anymore,' he simply thought to himself, referring to waking up and to helping his dad.
"Don't befriend them," his father had warned, not wanting his son to befriend any of his classmates so it wouldn't be hard for him to betray them.

Kirishima stood up from his bed, pressing his barefooted feet onto the cold stone floor of his bedroom. A shiver ran up his spine, making him immediately have the urge to sit back down. However, he knew his father would be furious with him if he did. He quickly slipped on some socks to protect his feet as he got dressed.

Once covered in clothing, he stepped out of his room and up the stairs from the cold basement, pausing on the stairs to make sure his father was not yet awake. Upon seeing the empty living room plastered with beer cans and dirty dishes, he continued to the main floor, making his way to the bathroom so he could finish getting ready.

Upon flipping the light switch, he saw his reflection in the mirror, immediately realizing how tired he looked. He winced at his own sleep deprived self, realizing he could try putting on some of the makeup he had hidden away for cosplay.

The red headed boy pulled some gel out of the mirror's cabinet, meeting his red eyes with the ones in the reflection, his mind flashing back to middle school when he had been called a demon. He couldn't blame the girl that did it, he had sharp shark-like teeth, crimson red eyes,and long black hair.

"I did look like a demon," He muttered softly, opening the gel bottle and creating horns on his forehead, followed by porcupine-like spikes off of his head. He then opened a small locked box in the bathroom with a password he had set, pulling out the small makeup box and doing his best to ignore the small pill bottle with small bits of metal inside.

Kirishima opened the small, black, and rectangular box, pulling out the small brush, before noticing from the corner of his eye that the bathroom door was open. He quickly shut it, locking it in the process. He stood still a moment, his hands still on the doorknob as he stood petrified, fearful his father had seen him.

After a few moments, he stepped away from the door, returning to the mirror and pressing the brush into the color that matched his skin, applying it below his eyes to hide the purplish color. He blended it in with the rest of his skin, before closing the box and placing it back in safe-resembling box. He then looked back at the mirror, pulling his toothbrush out along with the toothpaste.

As Kirishima finished getting ready, he opened the bathroom door, checking the hall before stepping into the small room. He passed by the doors, heading back down to the basement, where he grabbed his backpack and put his shoes on. He stepped back up the stairs, an obvious frown on his face.

He stepped past the kitchen, ignoring the hunger gripping his stomach and walking towards the door. As he opened it, however, he felt a tug on his arm. He turned to see his father, a tall monstrous figure. His eyes were piercing, as his skin and eyes were sharp and rock-like.

"Eijirou," he stated roughly, "make sure to pay attention in class. I don't want you missing an announcement about a trip or anything." Kirishima simply nodded in response, but his father didn't let go. "Don't come home right away either, I'm going to have some of the league over and don't want you smelling like smoke at school tomorrow." Kirishima nodded again, pulling his arm from his father's grasp, feeling the claws tear his skin through the jacket.

"I have to go or I'll miss the bus," he stated plainly, trying to keep the tears in his eyes from falling, "I'll be home around 8?" He said, almost asking if that was okay. His father nodded and Kirishima walked out the door, hatred filling his eyes. The door slammed shut behind him, and he started walking.

At first, Kirishima didn't think much about his father being a villain. Sure, he thought the hero that nearly caught him was cool, but at the time he didn't know that was his father. By now though, once he actually got into the #1 hero school, and heard everyone's stories, he actually wanted to be a hero. What's worse is he knows that will never happen. He's a traitor.

His friends will hate him if they find out. No- when they find out. There's no way he can lie to them forever, especially not Bakugou. For whatever reason, he felt inclined to only speak truthfully to him. He wasn't sure why, but suspected it had something to do with the piercing look he had in his eyes that always struck fear in  him.

Kirishima shook his head to rid the thoughts, walking down the sidewalk towards the bus stop. He approached it just in time, climbing aboard with the best smile he could muster.

As the bus came to a stop to drop him off, he thanked the bus driver and payed them, before stepping onto the concrete and plastering a permanent smile on his face.

Yet again, he approached the school, faking a happy attitude for the hundredth time this school year alone. At least he'd rather be a fake person everyone liked than the demon kid who had no friends and barely finished his notes in time, hiding the bruises and cuts on his body.

[A/N and that's part one! I'll have part two out once I update other books and continue the Alone story. So it may be a bit ^^']

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